it’s hard work to be a farmer
AO: Nirvana
When: 04/30/2022
QIC: Dosido
PAX (8): Dosido, MillerTime, No-See-Um, PitStop, Red Ryder, Special K, Turkey, Tank (FNG Mike Crachi)
During the pre-ruck we played a little over-under on how many pax would be present when we arrived at the flag; set at 2.5, most pax chose over, Q chose under. Q was wrong, several cars kept pulling in and to my delight and surprise, my bud Mike Crachi, who on several occasions has rucked and/or ran with us here at Nirvana was ready and waiting to make his BD debut. lets get to it
No warmup. Let’s take off on a trail run/merkan mile, with a twist, that’ll warm us up. The twist? Glad you asked; after each stop for merkans, the run would get progressively faster, until at one point towards the end we were all sprinting to the next break point. Barely able to speak, Q led us to the starting point of the next evolution: the hill next to the Eagles Stadium.
The Thang:
Here, we unloaded about a dozen small but mighty 30lb cinders from the nearby car, and the music ensued to lift our moods.
Thang 1) 11’s, with a twist. The twist? glad you asked! One must farmer carry 2 cinders up the hill, and take 2 cinders down between your reps. This folks, was not fun; it was a slow, grinding down of the men, something where no shortcuts exist, and there’s nowhere to hide from the suck. Burpees at the bottom, jumping squats at the top.
Thang 2) AMRAP on the track, each pax bring 1 cinder to the starting point. a Round consisted of the following: 400M run, 15 kettlebell swings, 10 hand-release merkans, 5 burpees, 3 overhead press. Complete as many as you can. Top three Leaders here, I believe, were FNG Mike, millertime, red ryder, and I think turkey was inter-mixed in there too. My apologies if i missed someone leading here. 7:55, load em up, and head back to the flag
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Finally able to put Mike C in the circle to give him a proper name, we listened to the usual garble about the boring stuff, then it got good. asked if he had any interesting stories to tell, he said he had many. Settling on a time in his life where alcohol was a main food group (no longer so, 14 years sober, congrats dude) he told of a time he ran from police after peeing in the street, literally piss-drunk, and they caught him pretty quick, pinned him to the ground, and gave him a night in the drunk-tank. From this, our group latched on to that, and dubbed him Tank. Perfect really; there’s a story to go with it, it hints at a military background, and he happens to look like one too. Love this guy, he’s a force, and im happy to suffer along with him in any gloom, any time.
Great work by all today, you have earned the rest of the day off!