I am the board
AO: Norseman
When: 04/28/2022
QIC: Scar
PAX (17): Beaker, Bottom Bunk, Callahan, Crikey, Ha-ha, Ivy League, Nacho Libre, Password 123, Pepper, Stu, TMI, Walkie Talkie, Puffy, Shawshank, Sugar and FNG Crooked
It had been a while since I had been at the Norseman and I knew they were longing for a good old fashioned beatdown.
Short mosey from the flag up fake Tower road, circle up and complete –
Mountain climbers
The Thang:
YHC had put together a 500 rep “I am the board” with some runs at the start of each set and when you hit 25 reps on each. There was some confusion on what we were doing so I have found speaking slowly and clearly again gets the job done.
Start off with a curb to curb run – complete 25 reps, curb to curb run again complete the next 25 reps and another run. Finish all sets on the board.
50 flutter kicks
50 squats
50 LBC’s
50 air press
50 SSH
50 plank jacks
50 Mercans
50 jump squats
50 shoulder taps
50 freddy mercuries
Once complete start doing laps around parking lot while waiting for the six.
With so much time left and bottom bunk done telling jokes it was time to ramp up the fun.
Partner up across from each other about 30 yards apart.
Partner 1 will bear crawl, lunge walk and crab walk across and run back, partner 2 will complete an exercise and then flip flop.
Exercises included burpees, squats, big boys, SSH
With time running out and some sweat appearing among the pax it was time to head back to the flag.
Just enough time for a few rounds of Mary and Recover.
Always a great time coming up to the Norseman and seeing the growth up here, gone are the days of the same 3 to 4 men showing up. Well done.
Welcome FNG Crooked – Works in Federal Tax, perfectly named.
Prayers for all going forward and some housekeeping for Saturdays Convergence.