“Rain and Lightning will End In 10 Minutes…..”
AO: The Hooch
When: 05/04/2022
QIC: Dinghy
PAX (8): BallBoy, Maguire, McCracken, Morphine, PuffDaddy, Saint2O, Splinter
Not sure about everyone else, but YHC generally has a little bit of jitters the night before Q-ing a beatdown, only because he doesn’t want to pull a “Flo” (i.e., sleeping through your Q) and then suffer the rightful scorn and possible dressing down by a Popper Backblast. Such was NOT the case last night, as the Good Lord saw fit to ensure that the plants were watered and the walls and firmament were violently shaken starting at 3:30, which not only ensured that YHC was full awake but also not in need of the alarm clock which was flashing “12:00”. After checking the weather to ensure that the storm would blow through (Accuweather was re-assuringly indicating fairly clear skies by 5:27), while also making mental adjustments to the Q as a contigency (Lots of 11’s in a safe location), YHC semi-dozed, then was violently shaken repeatedly every 15 minutes, counting the seconds to ensure the storm was moving away while also hoping that the poplar in the backyard wouldn’t come alive and seize/swallow the M and Jocko. Thus, at 5:12, rain still pouring, YHC set out in line the “Rain or Shine” F3 ethos…And at 5:27, the rain stopped, so the original beatdown was in play.
Disclaimer given, with an emphasis on “Rain or Shine” and “Please Don’t Sue Anyone.”
Warmed up with:
Weedpickers x 10
Windmills x 10
Copperhead Squats x 10
LB Arm Circles (8 fwd/8 back)
Hillbillies x 10
SSH’s x 10
Mosey around the Starbuck’s side of the building, past one of Johns Creek’s finest, to the start of the beatdown at the “dumpster side” of the back parking lot.
The Thang:
- Bear crawl through each parking space, then jump squat at each line. At the first island, Bernie Sanders to the far island, do (1) Bonnie Blair, Bernie Sanders back to the first island, then bear crawl/jump squat sequence back to the start.
- Lunge walk 2 parking spaces, then do a Hurpee (Burpee with a hand release Merken). Continue past the first island to the far island, return lunge walk/Hurpee combo all the way back to the start.
- Buster Douglas – in multiples of 1/2/3/4 for Mike Tyson’s/Monkey Humpers/Bonnie Blairs (Alpha)/Air Punches (Alpha), conducted exercises on one side of the parking lot, Bernie Sanders to the opposite side, then incremented up to 2/4/6/8 of the sequence. Repeated until we completed 10/20/30/40 of the exercises in the sequence
- Mosey to the over hang. Partnered up, Partner 1 performed 5 Merkens while Partner 2 was Balls to the Wall, switch, then Partner 2 performed the Merkens while Partner 1 was Balls to the Wall. Laddered up and down with 5-10-15-20-15-10-5, wall squat for the 6.
- Mosey to the flag for Mary, for the following: Gas Pumpers, American Hammers, LBC’s, Flutter Kicks, Freddie Mercuries, Burpees, Big Boys
Announcements – Don’t forget Alpha Convergence at The Norseman this Saturday, starting at 6:30
Prayer requests for our favorite barista at Starbucks (rough time with chemo, may he be healed as quickly as possible); Peace in Eastern Europe; Good decision making by our elected leaders; and prayers said and unsaid from ourselves and our F3 brethren
Naked-Man Moleskin:
As indicated earlier, YHC’s biggest F3 fear is letting down the Pax by sleeping through a Q and/or not delivering an iron-sharpening beatdown. Today was a good test to ensure that those fears were not realized. As always, it is indeed a privilege to be able to lead such resilient HIMs. We’ll get to do it all over again on Friday @ The Bridge. Well done today, men!