AO: Windjammer
When: 05/04/2022
QIC: Zohan
PAX (4): Cox, lumbergh, Stu, Zohan
After my previous Q at the Windjammer I almost banned for life and the condition was to submit my Q for approval. I complied, posting in advance we’ll be doing army fitness test and, as time allows, TABATA
Checked the weather the night before and saw some rain that should be ending well before the beatdown. Well, it didn’t. Rain and thunder were abundant when I woke up and got ready. My M was ‘not in favor’ of me going out (understatement) and I started to think about alternatives. Surely the Windjammer has a spa we can go to if needed. The rain ended on my way there and after a moment 3 more pax came in.
Not the usual disclaimer. “do Not modify as necessary”. Keep good form. Do less but don’t go to knees.
Mosey in the parking lot to the tennis courts. Circle up for SSH, Weed Pickers, Squats and oyo arm circles.
The Thang:
YHC realized forgot my phone on the car so we mosyed back to take it and went to the overhang area for the first part.
The army fitness test includes 2 minutes of merkins and 2 minutes of BBSU. Target is 40 each. YHC called a growruck variation – hand release merkins and butterfly sit ups (soles touching each other).
Not everyone were able to meet the standard, but now they know where they stand. That’s the important part. Without a standard and measurement is hard to assess progress. Some avoid standards and measurements to avoid the pain of finding out they are lacking. We know better. This is a good pain.
On to the 3rd part – 2 mile run. Standard is 18 minutes (9 per mile), though it’s for a flat run and ours was not. YHC was the last to arrive, not meeting the standard. Kind of expected since my last runs were on the slow side as well. I know what I need to do to get better.
We still had a few min left for TABATA. 1 min work and 10 seconds rest. We got to do burpees, American hammers, squats, Plank jacks, merkins and lbcs.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
The hard part is facing reality and knowing you need to be better. You can be better. You owe it to your family, to your community, to yourself. I thank F3 and the pax that I meet in the mornings that push me beyond my comfort zone.