It’s not the years, it’s the mileage!
AO: The Wreck
When: 05/18/2022
QIC: Raider
PAX (27): aflac, Backside, Bear, Bieber, Blue, Catheter, Choo Choo, Circus, Cliff - Chris Noto, DD (Jamie), Deadbeat, Donor, Doogie, Echo, gmonkey, Hammy, I-Beam, Juul, Matt Shields-Norm, Meltdown, Raider, rip, Sell-out, SmackDown, Squeegee, Tubbs, @Switch in spirit
Well, YHC had been anticipating this B-Day Q for the last year. What a great memory to have all the PAX show up and support me for this milestone B-Day!
Showed up a little early for some pre-site prep and the obligatory light-show – I need something to stimulate the senses for these older eyes.
The initial crowd of PAX seemed tame – surprise to come.
Headed to the parking lot by the football fields for some warm-up. After finishing the disclaimer, noticed a secondary group of PAX running towards us with light sticks and music theme from Raiders of the Lost Ark booming. YHC was handed a cool hat, whip, shirt, and snake to make even Harrison Ford jealous. This is great!
Warm-up – Deconstruct the year 1972
SSH – 19
Plank position – 72 seconds
Burpee – 1
Windmills – 9
Mountain Climbers – 7
Burpee – 2
The Thang:
PAX instructed to grab a light coupon from the ravine and headed to the first football field.
Before I could give instructions on Thang 1, @DD had a Q take-over and did a 10 min Q&A session on Things You May not Know about Raider – this should be interesting….
Seems the M provided some facts, and of course she had to mention the “BK Bounce” which normally requires a few shots to perform – fail.
Thang 1 – Bear’muda Triangle
3 lighted stations were setup in a triangle. Each station had two exercises. PAX bear-crawled to each station, did 50 reps of each exercise, then bear-crawled to the next station.
Station 1 – Curls, Overhead Press
Station 2 – Skull Crushers, Rows
Station 3 – Halos, Chest Press
Thang 2 – Charles Bronson
Looked back through the F3 Lexicon and found the reference to the “Charles Bronson” routine which was great because it has the 70’s reference and involves reps of 50 – perfect.
Moved over to the second football field. Setup a white board with HAPPY BIRTHDAY spelled out with an exercise for each letter. PAX performed one exercise of 50 reps, then sprinted down the field to the 15 yard line, then crab walked to the end zone, then moseyed back to the opposite end zone for rinse and repeat.
American Hammers
Plank Jacks
Peter Parkers
Big Boys
Imperial Walkers
Reverse Crunches
Wide Arm Merkins
CrunchY Frogs
Dropped off coupons and headed back to flag. No time for Mary.
Continued prayers for @Blue’s mom.
Mention of Site Q change in near future
Naked-Man Moleskin:
What a great group of men to share a milestone B-day with!
Thanks to @AFLAC for organizing, @DD for MCing, @Switch for getting the Raider gear, and everyone else who helped and came out!