S.I.R.E.N or S.I.R.R.E.N.?
AO: Starting Line
When: 05/18/2022
QIC: Script Kiddie
PAX (3): Janeway, Sirmixalot
Got to the AO with Janeway already anxious to get the morning started so the flag was planted the stuff was placed ready for the BD to come and it was time to start the Pre-Ruck, the focus for now, is prep for the GrowRuck event in September so we headed out, and with a promise to add a bit to the pre-ruck and help us accelerate more we had a pain station of 10 Ruck merkins (40lb) weights and 20 ruck squats, then back to the flag in time to meet up with SirMixalot. We had 2 more HCs that some how slept through the alarm so some fartsacking occurred, we missed having Suarez and Beeline there.
Took a long mosey up the stairs, and out of the park then back stopping just inside the park near the gate
No SSHs (Those would come later)
Weed pickers
Moroccan Night clubs
Copperhead squats
With warm up done it was time to mosey to the normal spot to start the fun
The Thang:
I told the PAX that the focus of the BD was motion, once we start keep going till the time was done so I decided to pull out the SIREN acronym Thang
S.I.R.E.N. – this was created in honor of the siren that sounds every time a member of the Elliot family wins a NASCAR event
S – SSHs (20)
I – Imperial Walkers(Alpha count) – (20)
R – Run (long lap)
E – E2K(Alpha count) – (20)
N – Nolan Ryans (10 each side)
Run to the track cut across Bernie Sander’s to the other side then run back
Round 2
S – SSHs (20)
I – Imperial Walkers(Alpha count) – (20)
R – Raven Merkins(10)- 3 parts (1-Wide merkin, 1-Diamond merkin, 1 Ranger merkin)
E – E2K(Alpha count) – (20)
N – Nolan Ryans (10 each side)
Run to the track cut across Bernie Sander’s to the other side then run back
Round 3
S – SSHs (20)
I – Imperial Walkers(Alpha count) – (20)
R – Run (long lap)
E – E2K(Alpha count) – (20)
N – Nolan Ryans (10 each side)
Run to the track cut across Bernie Sander’s to the other side then run back
Round 4
S – SSHs (20)
I – Imperial Walkers(Alpha count) – (20)
R – Run (long lap)
R – Raven Merkins(10)- 3 parts (1-Wide merkin, 1-Diamond merkin, 1 Ranger merkin)
E – E2K(Alpha count) – (20)
N – Nolan Ryans (10 each side)
Run to the track cut across Bernie Sander’s to the other side then run back
The plan was to do Round 1 then do round 2, two times but I some how forgot what round we were on so round 4 worked out to be S.I.R.R.EN, oops sorry Janeway and Sir Mixalot
Well done HIM, now on 2 Thang2
Janeway called out the first exercises so 3box cutters
Long lap
The second YHC called burpees, I mean come on it is an SK BD so burpees are almost guaranteed, so 3 boxcutters and 6 burpees
Long lap
For the third and final exercise Sir Mixalot called for 9 slow and deep squats, no air humping allowed, the focus was on form so 3 boxcutters, 6 burpees and 9 squats
And with that the BD was done, on to the COT
Names were given, even a shout out by Janeway, to Suarez, and the fact that his HC turned to an FS.
Sir Mixalot and his family
Janeway and Komrad as they travel, we will mis you all Saturday and next week
For all the PAX that were not able to make it to SL this morning
Acceleration Point
This one was one I pulled/modified from the Bald Ridge BB done by Crab cake
The Dead Sea and the sea of Galilee are both fed from the Jordan river but the difference between the 2 is that the sea of Galilee is filled with life but the dead sea is dead, why are they so different.
The dead sea receives water from the Jordan river but never gives, so all the richness becomes destructive and does not give life
The sea of Galilee receives water from the Jordan and then gives it out/ shares it with other bodies of water giving life and helping the area around it.
We need to be like the sea of Galilee taking all the riches/blessing we receive and sharing them with others, not like the dead sea, taking all the riches/blessings in and not giving them away, so I encourage all of us to take the blessing we have and share them, in doing things like Bald Ridge or even in simple ways of reaching out and encouraging other.
We ended with Prayer and on to coffeetria time!
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Sir Mixalot supplied the coffee and the conversation was good, we discussed PAX that we had not heard from and encouraged each other to reach out to them.
After that it was time to head out
It was another great morning ITG and starting the day with HIM like Janeway and Sir Mixalot is one of the best ways to start it right.
As always it was an honor to lead this ragtag group of men!