Bears, bags and burpees
AO: Brimstone
When: 05/20/2022
QIC: Sprocket
PAX (9): Boomstick, Caffeine, Chubbs, Circus, Deadbeat, Echo, gmonkey, Other, Commodore
Good things can come out of lockdowns. Proof: Brimstone AO. After GMonkey guest Q’ed a lightning storm beatdown at Bad Apple recently, it was time to return the favor.
Disclaimer given, the PAX moseyed to/from the portico, then, circled up for
- SSH’s, IC
- Toy Soldiers, IC
- Weed pickers, IC
PAX were then instructed to line up on painted line for the thang
The Thang:
Part 1: Simple 7’s
burpees/merkins edition. Y’all know the drill: 1 burpee + 6 merkins and so forth with a bear crawl from starting position to line opposite and doing a crawl bear back. QIC suggested lunge walks between stations as a mod’.
Part 2: fun with coupons
Various stations set-up with coupons and a heavy carry to/from light pole after which PAX would rotate to next station.
stations included: air squats @ bodyweight, dead lifts @ 80# sandbag, bent over rows @ 60#, over-the-shoulder cleans @ 45#, kb swings @35#, alternating db cleans @25#, man makers @ 15# x 2
part 3: EMOM fun
with 60 second timer set, PAX performed the following on their own: 2 jump squats, 3 burpees, 4 get-ups, 5 BBSU’s. PAX successfully completed 9 rounds w/a little music trivia thrown in to discount 1 rep for correct answer and additional reps for incorrect answers.
several rounds of Mary to close out the sesh.
Announced upcoming opportunities to honor the fallen on Memorial Day AM by taking part in the “Murph” workout. Check Slack for times/AO locations. Headlock a buddy, neighbor, or BIL in town for the long weekend.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
F3 is probably the only organization that a man can be a part of where he can travel 3 or 300 miles , take part in or even lead a workout and feel at home because he’s in the company of those that want to better themselves. Good seeing familiar faces and making new acquaintances. Always an honor to lead. Sprocket out.