A couple of guys who were up to no good.
AO: Starting Line
When: 05/25/2022
QIC: Sirmixalot
PAX (2): Script Kiddie, Sirmixalot
YHC had initially planned a run plus pain stations. When we decided on a preruck, YHC went with a full ruck plus pain station workout. From the pre-ruck till COT we didn’t stop moving.
Warm up was already completed during the pre ruck.
The Thang:
Pre-ruck plus Ruck BD with stair pain stations
At the stairs we did:
20 rucked squats at the top
10 rucked merkins in middle
and 15 American hammers with the ruck
We went back up the stairs to repeat and then completed the same pain station when we came back from our long loop
Total was approx 4.2 miles (with pain stations) in 1 hr and 9 minutes – pretty good pace
count a rama, name a rama, coffeteria
Script kiddie offered this acceleration point:
“One huge form of child neglect is a parent that doesn’t pursue their dreams; it shows the kids it is ok to settle for easy/safe and not striving to be the best you.”
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Good conversation and good workout.