Remembering the Fallen
AO: The Wreck
When: 05/29/2022
QIC: aflac
PAX (12): Boomstick, Caffeine, Catheter, Circus, Doogie, Meltdown, Raider, Sell-out, Swamp Donkey, Switch, Back Draft (FNG)
As Q showed up a bit early to the Faces of War Memorial at City Hall, he was greeted by volunteers setting up for the largest Memorial Day ceremony in Georgia. The Memorial was in full bloom, accompanied by fresh markers honoring Gold Star and Blue Star families and the American and POW/MIA flags were flying proud and high. YHC and Catether planted the Wreck and Hogwallow flags respectively on each corner framing the Memorial and making for the perfect backdrop for PAX to honor those that have fallen in the name of freedom.
None today – get right to work.
The Thang:
Q led PAX (from the six) on a slow mosey to Roswell Area Park for the core of the Murph. Reps were broken up into various chunks and the mumblechatter was good. Early finishers performed Mary while waiting for the six, and the group moseyed back to the Face of War Memorial with T-15 remaining on the clock.
- Honored to have our Roswell Fire Chief (Backdraft) join us this morning.
- TAPs for relatives of Sell-out and Circus.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
In the words of the inimitable Ronald Wilson Reagan:
Aflac out.