Ups and downs of 5Alive
AO: Starting Line
When: 06/01/2022
QIC: Script Kiddie
PAX (5): Janeway, LifeLock VPN, Lightweight, Script Kiddie, Sirmixalot
Late the night before the BD, I got an idea to make my 5alive BD a bit more challenging and I had not used the stairs or the mound to much lately so that got me thinking, how can I add one or both of them into the workout and about 10PM I got it set, the 5Alive would be done first on the stairs then on the mound, but how can I make it even better.. got the last piece in place, then it was time to head out the door to get the party started.
The pre-ruck was just me going up and down the steps and over the mound a few times and getting my June curl challenge started with 50 curls using my ruck, curl challenge day one, done!
Janeway rolled in soon after and then, much to my surprise/excitement I saw lightweight and lifelock heading to the pavilion with Sir Mixalot following them, the number was set at 5 and it was time to mosey
We moseyed to the parking area next to the steps, disclaimer was given, and warmups were begun
Copperhead squats
Moroccan Nightclubs
Michael Phelps OYO
Time to head to the stairs
The Thang:
Time to introduce my 5Alive creation to lightweight and lifelock, they were not present for round one
Do 5 reps of 5 types of merkins
5 regular merkins, 5 wide merkins, 5 diamond merkins, 5 ranger merkins, 5 hand released merkins
Head up the steps and at the second/large landing do 10 SSHs and on to the top of the steps then round 2
5 regular merkins, 5 wide merkins, 5 diamond merkins, 5 ranger merkins, 5 hand released merkins
Head down the steps and at the second/large landing do 10 SSHs and on to the bottom of the steps
Do 5 reps of 5 types of ab exercises
5 LBCs, 5BBSU, 5 WW2 situps, 5 leg raises, 5 V-Ups/Y-Ups
Head up the steps and at the second/large landing do 10 SSHs and on to the top of the steps then round 2
5 LBCs, 5BBSU, 5 WW2 situps, 5 leg raises, 5 V-Ups/Y-Ups
Head down the steps and at the second/large landing do 10 SSHs and on to the bottom of the steps
Do 5 reps of 5 types of leg exercise
5 squats, 5 lunges(alpha count), 5 jump squats, 5 reverse lunges(alpha count), 5 bonnie blairs
Head up the steps and at the second/large landing do 10 SSHs and on to the top of the steps then round 2
5 squats, 5 lunges(alpha count), 5 jump squats, 5 reverse lunges(alpha count), 5 bonnie blairs
Head down the steps and at the second/large landing do 10 SSHs and on to the bottom of the steps
To finish off the stairs portion we did
10 Around the worlds
Took a long mosey to the mound, and time for the second part of Thang1
Do 5 reps of 5 types of merkins
5 regular merkins, 5 wide merkins, 5 diamond merkins, 5 ranger merkins, 5 hand released merkins
Head up the top of the mound do 10 **Cheerleaders** then down the other side to do round 2
5 regular merkins, 5 wide merkins, 5 diamond merkins, 5 ranger merkins, 5 hand released merkins
Back to the top of the mound 10 cheerleaders then back to the other side
Do 5 reps of 5 types of ab exercises
5 LBCs, 5BBSU, 5 WW2 situps, 5 leg raises, 5 V-Ups/Y-Ups
Head up the top of the mound do 10 Cheerleaders then down the other side to do round 2
5 LBCs, 5BBSU, 5 WW2 situps, 5 leg raises, 5 V-Ups/Y-Ups
Back to the top of the mound 10 cheerleaders then back to the other side
Do 5 reps of 5 types of leg exercise
5 squats, 5 lunges(alpha count), 5 jump squats, 5 reverse lunges(alpha count), 5 bonnie blairs
Head up the top of the mound do 10 Cheerleaders then down the other side to do round 2
5 squats, 5 lunges(alpha count), 5 jump squats, 5 reverse lunges(alpha count), 5 bonnie blairs
Back to the top of the mound 10 cheerleaders then back to the other side
To finish off the mound/Thang1 we did
10 Around the worlds
Another area I want to improve in is pull ups so with that and the park having a great area to do pullups we moseyed there and did, okay attempted to do, 5 pull ups, to keep with the theme of 5.
Moseyed to the spot and ended with lifelock leading us in a quick round of Mary ( 20 American Hammers) and with that the BD was done
**Cheerleaders-Start in SSH position, go to the up SSH position, on the down go into a squat and bring hands to a point below the knees and repeat
- Count done, 5 PAX for 5Alive, I like it
June 11th we will be celebrating the first full year at Starting Line
Prayer request
Just traveling safety for all the PAX
Acceleration point
SirMixalot shared Winston Churchill’s Speech at a college graduation very simple but very powerful
Churchill simple stated = “Never, Never, Never give up”
And with that we gathered up said a quick prayer and headed to take the pic
Naked-Man Moleskin:
After the Picture lightweight and lifelock had to head out, it was great having them there for a Wednesday BD and hope they can make it out soon
Janeway SirMixalot and I enjoyed some okay coffee and great conversation then we headed out for the day
Everyone did a great job, and it was awesome to see lightweight back at it, not at 100% yet but getting there, as always it was an honor to lead you men and looking forward to the next time.