Watching that clock doesn’t make the BD easier….or quicker
AO: Widowmaker
When: 06/04/2022
QIC: Dinghy
PAX (9): Cox, Funyun, Ha-ha, Pepsi, TMI, TURK, Wheels (2.0), Slash (2.0)
The Widowmaker, by it’s nature, can have a very diabolical feel to it when putting together the BD. YHC always tries to bring a little creativity to the mix, while still maintaining simplicity. Today was one of those days where that ruthless efficiency was put into place, helping accelerate fitness for some highly motivated HIMs.
Standard disclaimer was given, and off we went.
Conducted 10 of each of the following exercises:
Moroccan Night clubs
Copperhead Squats
Mosey (slowly) to the Widowmaker
The Thang:
At the top of the Widowmaker, we got to business.
Part 1 – It’s all downhill from here
Pax lined up across the road facing down the hill. Then conducted:
Alpha count bear crawls x 1
Downhill Merkin x 1
Big boys x 1
Worked up to 10 of each, moseyed down the rest of the hill to complete, plank for the 6 briefly then picked up the 6.
Part 2 – going over like a Led Zeppelin
Conducted BLIMPS (Burpees x 5, alpha Lunges x 10, Imperial Walkers x 15, Merkins x 20, Plank Jacks x 25, Squats x 30), at the end of each round, Pax ran to the right guardrail and returned. The twist was that at the end round, the last exercise was dropped, until all that was left was Burpees. Pick up the 6.
Part 3 – Nope, we WILL take this hill, and quit looking at your watch!
Conducted walking BLURPEES (1 broad jump, 1 burpee, and increasing alpha count walking lunges up the hill. Worked up to 10 alpha count lunges, Bernie Sanders to the top of the hill. As all PAX were fairly equally miserable going up the hill, did not have to pick up the 6. Moseyed back to the soccer field.
Part 4 – But wait, there’s more!
4 corners with increasing reps (5-10-15-20) of the following exercises: 4 – count bodybuilders, crunchy frogs, jump squats. Made it to corner 4, had to call time.
Blood drive coming in July. Dipstick will be posting soon on Slack.
Prayed for Turk’s father-in-Law for speedy healing from surgery, Funyan’s friend who is preparing for surgery, and Cox’s friend who is going through chemo.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Today was fun from the standpoint that YHC was able to bring a BD that tested everyone. All gave of their best and got stronger, and it was a privilege to help everyone accelerate.