3 Wild Horses & 1 Tiny Dancer
AO: Atlas
When: 06/07/2022
QIC: No-See-Um
PAX (4): No-See-Um, Rusty, The Real Woody, The_OG Zima
Time to get our swole on at Atlas. 3 other brave souls joined YHC in the early gloom to hit the coupons hard. The Real Woody even posted after flirting with the pax the night before. He would soon become the pax’s entertainment for the morning.
First, off to fetch some blocks….two per man. Then back to the parking lot for some SSH, Imp. Walkers, Frankensteins, Weed Pickers, Mtn. Climbers, Merkins…..all to a 7 count cadence!
The Thang:
7’s were on the menu today….multiple times. First, for the music set on the Fleetwood Mac station via Amazon Music. There would be some beauties played and more on that later.
7’s with one block:
- OH Squats & Curls (IC) w/ 1 Blockee in the middle during each pass and Cusak in between.
Rusty: “Hey NSU, was that you making fun of my music selection a few weeks ago??”
YHC: “I don’t think so…..but maybe”
—Wild Horses playing —
YHC: “This is what we are Rusty….a bunch of Wild Horses!!”
- Skull Crushers (IC) & Thrusters w/ Farmer Carry using both blocks in between.
—Tiny Dancer now playing—
Zima: “Well, can’t say I’ve ever heard this playing during a beatdown before….”
The Real Woody: “come on Zima…HOLD ME CLOSER TINY DANCER…..COUNT THE HEADLIGHTS ON THE HIGHWAY….” (sang with authority!)
YHC: in my head….”okay, 3 Wild Horses & 1 Tiny Dancer”
- Goblet Squats & Front Raises (IC) w/ 5 Merkins in middle during each pass and Cusak in between.
With Wild Horses & Tiny Dancer behind us, on to the field to finish off the coupon work with three sets of 7 Murder Bunnies out & 7 MB’s back!
Back to parking lot now for some Ring around the Mary:
NSU: Flutters
Woody: LBC
Zima: Obliques
Rusty: Table Top (or something like that)
Time….but wait, Zima’s clock not quite to 6:15 yet plus we got a late start. One minute plank variations to finish off the morning!!
Big thoughts & prayers for one of Woody’s good friend’s father in laws who is fading fast from cancer. Prayers for Jim and his family/friends for comfort and peace during this tough time.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Some serious #HIM answered the call and posted at Atlas this am…..all are better for it.
Fun morning between Rusty’s wise cracks about the Q’s music selection, Zima’s all around MLB knowledge and then there was The Real Woody & his lizard friend (had to be there !!).
Always great to lose yourself during a beatdown and get caught up in the jokes and laughter…thanks for posting men!
Oh, and Rusty was right….my thumbs have never been so sore, haha!