The Return of Zima’s Hill
AO: Badapple
When: 06/10/2022
QIC: The_OG Zima
PAX (8): Dosido, goat, Goose, Padre, Rusty, Sprocket, The Real Woody, The_OG Zima
After disclaimer, mosey to basketball courts on other side of school.
- Weedpicker
- Windmill
- Mtn Climber
- Shoulder Tap
- Copperhead Squat
Finisher: High Knees/SSH to the song Danger Zone. Every time you hear “Danger Zone” all Pax perform Jump squat. Rinse & Repeat until end of song.
The Thang:
First Up: 4 Corners – Cumulative
- Corner 1: 10 Bonnie Blair’s (double count)
- Corner 2: 20 Stone mtn
- Corner 3: 30 Plank jack
- Corner 4: 40 LBCs
- Bear crawl short side ( to Corner 1 and 3)
- Sprint long side (Corner 2 and 4)
Next, Mosey to what’s commonly known as “Zima’s Hill”
At the hill: 5x5x5 aka Triple Nickel @TheRealWoody
- 5 burpees at bottom
- Run to top
- 5 hand release merkins
- Run back down
- Rinse and Repeat 5 times
- Q called just “how” Pax would get up the hill.
- Round 1: regular run
- Round 2: broad jump to half-way point, run rest of the way
- Round 3: backwards run to half-way point, run rest of the way
- Round 4: reg run to top
- Round 5: High knees to half-way point, run rest of the way
Next up: Indian run around the trail to pull up bars
- Once at pull up bars one round of Morning Call with a twist.
- Instead of a normal pull-up, Pax performed a Burpee to pull up.
- Perform a regular burpee except when you jump – you jump up to the bar, then do a pull-up – That’s 1 rep. Rep count was 3 for each Pax. Rest of Pax performed Merkins in cadence with the burpee/pull-up.
After Morning call, mosey back to the flag for quick round of Mary.
- For Sprocket’s upcoming 5th year anniversary of F3. Thankful for the brotherhood and what F3 means for the men who are a part of it.
- For Goose’s parents 60th wedding anniversary
- For Woody’s Uncle Jim and his cancer diagnosis. Prayers for him and his family as the go through this journey
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Solid work by all Pax today. Always good seeing Dosido at Badapple.
“Is this Poundcake?” – “The Real Woody”