AO: Brimstone
When: 06/17/2022
QIC: Echo
PAX (11): aflac, Bieber, Blue, Caffeine, Circus, Cliff - Chris Noto, Donor, Echo, Greg Willis, Meltdown, Tubbs
After firing a message into the wreck channel in an attempt to swell Friday morning’s PAX, a turf war nearly broke out with each site AO chiming in. It was finally determined by the brimstone leadership team (g monkey presumably) that 6:30 a.m. would be the new official start time, ushering in a new era of daily doubles.
We ran and did things to warm up.
The Thang:
Cones were set up for escalating amounts of jackknives, some exercise that I didn’t know the name of but was a mountain jump instead of climb, Bonnie belays, and lbcs.
After three rounds we bunny hopped back and forth and bear crawled to get the heart beating a little bit before partnering up and grabbing some cinders. Partner a did merkins at the bottom of the hill while partner B was at top doing a combination of curls, rose, overhead presses, skull crushers. Or you could just be like circus and sit on the block.
Dumped the cinders off and had a few minutes of Mary. Not going to lie I was pretty shot and forgot to do name-o-rama but fortunately we’re all pals.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Happy Father’s Day! Having children has been the most impactful thing I’ve ever done and know that you guys are amazing champions in your homes.
Speaking of fathers, Grease monkeys is out of the hospital but not out of the woods yet, continued prayers for him and all those that go unspoken.