Jugdish VQ Beatdown
AO: Grindstone
When: 06/20/2022
QIC: jugdish
PAX (14): Cornhole, Crab Cake, jugdish, klingerr, LifeLock VPN, Lightweight, SaaSy MoM, Schneider, Snowman, Spit Valve, Valley Girl, Whiz, Zuckerburg/Snorlax, FNG Starchild
YHC was excited and a little nervous about a modest showing for his VQ. Who isn’t excited and a little nervous the first time? But Slack is a fickle thing… Seven prerunners and 14 PAX showed up, giving the Q a little anxiety about his first performance.
Turns out, some PAX are hesitant to HC on slack, just in case they fartsack and are publicly ridiculed, I mean held accountable. That’s kind of the point, fellas…
Mosey to the northeast corner of the parking lot for the intro and disclaimer. There’s a FNG! Better get this part right!
Next, some SSH, Moroccan nightclubs, weed pickers, and probably something else. Turns out, YHC cant keep cadence, adjust voice inflection, or think and talk at the same time. First time performance anxiety and all. Fearing an epic clusterQ, the warm-o-rama was cut a little short…
The Thang:
Thang 1
Ten weeks ago to the day, YHC posted for the first time at Grindstone, arriving a little late and getting lost in the gloom. No one should have to experience this so the PAX were encouraged to journey around and familiarize themselves with the outer perimeter of the AO, in a counter-clockwise direction, alternating between running and exercising every minute. The goal was to maintain forward progress…
This included one minute of bear crawls, crab walks, and inch worms. Each exercise separated by a minute of running. There was lots of casual banter and everyone was having a great time.
Six minutes in brought us to the hill next to the tennis courts. We took a break from our circumnavigation and everyone was encouraged to find a man-sized coupon to carry up the hill. For five rounds, with five big boy sit-ups at the top and 5 alpha-count American Hammers at the bottom.
After reminding everyone to be careful, the Q was the only one to slip and fall on the hill. First time and all…
After the hill repeats, we continued on our journey, now carrying our coupons and alternating running and lounges every minute for 4 minutes. There was no more idle banter and some were no longer having fun. We found a suitable spot to deposit said coupons behind the baseball fields and practice our flutter kicks while waiting for the 6. Next, a minute of running and a minute of broad jumps brought us behind the playground. In the interest of time, we then ran to the concession stand between the football fields.
Thang 2
At the concession stands, partner up for a burpee race! Winning team picks the next exercise. Each team does 40 total burpees, alternating burpees between the partners. Wall sits for the six… Winning team gave the time back to the Q as we were now racing the clock. Ran to the top parking lot for…
Thang 3
With partners, 2 sets of 15 leg throwdowns
Then: run, and accelerate to full sprint back to the flag. With no time to catch our breath, we ran out the clock with squat jumps.
It’s doubtful anyone was having any fun at this point. Q had more pain to dish out but the clock said no. Till next time…
Coming off of Father’s Day, we had a solid discussion about being fully present for our 2.0s and some challenges associated with parenting that were highlighted during the Fathers Day weekend.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Thank you all for making my VQ less awkward and more painful than necessary. I’m still new to F3 but I’ve already found a community that challenges me, pushes me further, and keeps me accountable. It is a privilege to lead such men in the gloom. Thank you all for this gift.