If You Build It, The Pax Will Come
AO: Badapple
When: 06/27/2022
QIC: TheBurn
PAX (5): goat, Shooter, The_OG Zima, TheBurn, Squatter (FNG)
Doing some work at the house and had some scaffolding to put to use.
YHC arrived early to setup. As of 5:27am, still no PAX – they came through though and we did the Thang.
- Side Straddle Hop, Weed Pickers, Copper Head Squats, Toy Soldiers, Hillbillies, Single Leg Quad (Flamingo), Michael Phelps, Sun Gods, Tricep (arm across chest), Calf Stretch on Bumpers.
- Long Mosey around Parking Lot.
The Thang:
Round 1:
Primary Scaffold Stations: (1st Half)
- Incline Abyss Merkins x 15 – Feet elevated on ladder steps, hands on cinders laid horizontally on ground. Get depth at bottom, may increase elevation of feet up the ladder.
- Bench Squats x 15 – holding 45lb plate, squat until you touch the bench. (walk boards lowered to bench level vs. up top)
(Started with 11’s but switched to sets of 15 bc we needed more equal time on stations – too many transitions in the scaffold area with 11’s)
Auxiliary Stations: (Pax choose 1 in between completed Scaffold Station reps)
- Chain Snake Backpedal – Backpedal while dragging long tow chain, swing side to side.
- Footwork/Agility “Ladder Drills”- Cones and scaffold section laid flat on ground. Sprint, Footwork in ladder sections (2 ft every hole, lateral shuffle, Icky shuffle, etc), Sprint thru cones to finish.
- Jump Rope – x50
Primary Scaffold Stations: (2nd Half)
- Step Ups x 30 (or less reps if adding weight)
- Plate Press Squeeze x 25 (lie on back, hold 45lb plate vertically while squeezing it with open palms, press up and down)
Auxiliary Stations:
- Same as above (Chain Snake Backpedal, Ladder Drill, Jump Rope)
Mosey to Grass Hill:
- 5 Merkins together at bottom of hill (a different PAX led the group cadence each time), Sprint up the hill.
- We got about 5 sets in and it was back to the flag a little early to name the FNG – “Squatty” – (Outhouse’s brother)
All the people hurting, including Goat’s friend Catherine, and the safety of our children.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Thanks to the PAX for being flexible as we tried something new. Had to dial in a few things early on but we got it figured out and got a good one in. It was awesome to have our 3rd FNG come out in the last couple of weeks. Grateful for this group and giving the gift of F3 to other men.