Good pain comes to those who wait
AO: Gladiator
When: 06/28/2022
QIC: Brownie
PAX (18): Cheneral, DREAMER, Fire Drill, Hitchcock, Ironhead, Laces, Macbeth, Mater, Moonshine, RaspberryPi, Scratch-Off, Speedo, Tar Heel, Tebow, vertigo, Doug, The Big Short
The QIC thought he had the Q LAST Thursday, but Speedo had it fully under control and apparently, your QIC thinks 23 and 28 look a lot alike on the tiny Excel Q sheet on his phone. Nevertheless, it just provided more time to refine the pain that would ensue this AM in the gloom…
No newbies, so short intro/disclaimer and then mosey to the entrance to the park near the coupon pile…all the way to the parking lot at the top of the hill. Some buttkickers, high knees, and Bernie along the way.
10 SSH
10 Copperhead squats
10 Windmills
The Thang:
PAX were told to partner up at the top of the hill (most heard the instructions, but reminders were provided to the hard of hearing on the way to the sign at the very bottom) and one partner was to grab a coupon from the pile as we passed by.
Round 1: Mode of travel (MOT) – Alternating side lunges up the hill for one partner while the other did 20 upright rows with the coupon. Rowing partner moseys to catch up to partner and they switch until they reached the top. Partners alternate air chair and upright rows for the 6.
Round 2: MOT – bear crawl while other partner was doing 20 curls. Quick 10 count after this round.
Round 3: MOT – lunges while the other partner did 20 OH presses.
Lots of mumble chatter on round 1 and to the “zebra crossing” of round 2, but much quieter, except for the heavy breathing after that. Coupons returned to their natural homes and mosey to the pellet pitch.
Next series of exercises started at the end line of the field traveling to the other end.
Round 1: MOT – crab walk and stop at each line for 10 Carolina DDs
Round 2: MOT – broad jump and 15 BBSUs at each line to midfield
Round 3: MOT – alternating wheelbarrow carry with a partner and 15 merkins at each line back to the end line
SSHs by the PAX while the QIC retrieved his musical accompaniment before returning to the flag.
Just enough time for Scratchoff to call 10 gas pumpers because your QIC doesn’t like more than a couple minutes of Mary.
Lots of events in the next month or so. Check slack (for those that are on it) for more details.
Lace’s daughter has the flu and is recovering, but we ask for prayers for all those suffering illnesses and in need of healing.
Moonshine shared a reminder that marriage is work and the importance of getting smarter in that relationship with time and experience. Congrats on 20+ years of marriage!
Anything remaining unspoken prayers and concerns.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Appreciate the opportunity to lead and the push that this group provides to me each time I come out.