Pitstop’s 5th Anniversary – the Punisher Returns… Again!
AO: Rubicon
When: 06/30/2022
QIC: Pitstop
PAX (11): Hollywood, Lil Hurt, Focker, Pinkey, Wilson, Special K, Fanny Pack, NoSeeUm, Cookie, Krueger
On June 27, 2017 Brad Hobbs nervously joined a beatdown led by Fondue Guy, and Pitstop was born!
I wasn’t EH’ed by anyone, rather saw an ad on Facebook for a “free bootcamp for men in the park”. I had just finished 3 1/2 years of Crossfit, transitioned to jujitsu, and needed an “affordable” workout solution. I had no idea of the culture, traditions, nicknames or weirdos in this group – and that made it seem REALLY strange. I spent the entire workout wondering “Why do they all have nicknames? should I come up with my own?”
On the way back to the flag nature was SERIOUSLY calling, and I took a detour to the tennis court bathrooms. After arriving at the flag a little later than everyone else and explaining the detour, “Pitstop” was bestowed with no deliberation or discussion. It’s always been a fitting moniker.
Present that day were: Miller Time, I-beam, Bear, Nacho Libre, Hickory Stick, Locksmith, Legos, Meatloaf, Def Con 2, Cookie, Mufasa, Peanut, Hot Pocket, Swingline, Lumbergh, Zima, Padre, Bayside, Jackalope, TO, FNG – Pit stop, FNG – Standby, Fondue Guy
Ran to the big flag for the usual SSH, merkins, imp walkers, hillbillys and weed pickers. Then to the coupon pile and the FOD.
The Thang:
The Punisher!
My first workout was not-so-creatively called “Four Corners and a Hill”. Wasn’t the most exciting either. So I moved on to my 2nd workout.
This one was a Ha-Ha Special – The Punisher
- At home plate do 30 curls
- Run to the bathroom planters (appropriate)
- At the bathroom do 30 squats
- Run back to home plate.
- Repeat for 3 more sets of exercise.
- The Punisher kicks in at the end: Instead of planking for the 6, do thrusters.
Here were the sets:
Set 1
Curls x30
Overhead Press x30
Skull Crushers x30
Bent over rows x30
Squats x30
Lunge x30
Box jump on to planters x30
Squats x30
Punisher! Thrusters until the 6 comes in
Plenty of time left, so same song different verse:
Set 2
Curls x30
Overhead Press x30
Skull Crushers x30
Bent over rows x30
Merkins x30
Irkins x30
Derkins x30
Merkins x30
Punisher! Thrusters until the 6 comes in
Sprint set!
Set 3
Curls x10
Overhead Press x10
Skull Crushers x10
Bent over rows x10
LBC x10
American Hammers x10
Dollies x10
Freddie Mercury x10
Punisher! Thrusters until the 6 comes in
Prayers for families traveling and our country.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
5 years of this insanity and it’s still hard to roll out of the bed at 5am. Glad I’m still doing it, and grateful for the consistency of this group!