Tuesday morning smoke session
AO: Firehouse
When: 08/30/2022
QIC: Sirmixalot
PAX (7): Ace Ventura, LifeLock VPN, Lightweight, Schneider, Sirmixalot, Suarez, Zuckerburg/Snorlax
YHC wanted to create a simple but brutal workout to challenge the PAX. As it turned out this was quite effective. We do have a couple of PAX recovering from illness so I am sure this was harder for them than it normally would have been.
Moseyed around to the spot.
SSH, Sun Gods, Moon Gods, Good mornings, and Weed Pickers.
Moseyed back to the top of the hill.
The Thang:
Each PAX selected a sandbag and we proceeded to do 21s – Stating with 1 rep of each exercise and increasing by one each round. – After performing all reps for each round PAX moseyed down to the next light pole and back. We did not do this as a ROUTE 21 where you move. Instead we came back to where the sandbags were.
Exercises –
1. Merkin
2. Push Press (essentially deadlift the bag and flip up into clean position peform a squat and then an overhead press. Only deadlift on the first rep – then repeat to complete all reps) Example can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1W9w0KPfdCw&ab_channel=ClubhausFitness – just make the squat portion deeper.
3. V-up holding sandbag
Start with one rep each, run to light pole – come back and do 2 reps each, then 3 and so on until 21.
YHC had more planned but this took the entire time. I don’t think anyone made it past the 18 reps round.
Will definitely revisit this one in the future.
I shared a couple of thoughts from the book The Obstacle Is The Way that I am currently reading.
We had a discussion about NLB workout coming up later this month.
Moment of silence
Several prayer requests were mentioned.
We were sans coffee today so no coffeteria.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
As always, it’s an honor to lead.