Christmas Shoulder SAG
AO: Badapple
When: 08/30/2022
QIC: Shortcircuit
PAX (10): Chalupa, goat, Goose, Shortcircuit, Sprocket, The_OG Zima, TheBurn, Thud, Turbine, Santa Clause, Spud
NOTE: This was submitted under ShortCircuit, as he was my co-captain. And F3 site has a glitch not allowing my PAX name. ShortCurcuit was a big part of the evolution of this workout anyhow.
For the record: This is Santa Clause.
On to the preamble. It was such a coincidental brilliant streak of luck to have run into the BadApple F3ers that fateful morning when all the planets aligned. Literally, my neighbor, ShortCircuit and I were working out at Sweet Apple specifically because that was the best place to see the 5 planets in alignment that morning. A Solar System parade. Since then, F3 has been an important part of our life. Prior to that, my neighbor and I worked out every morning, same time, for about 2 years. We named ourselves SAG (saddlebrook athletic gang). And we had grown from a group of 2 to a group of 2 during those years. Imagine our surprise when we ran into a bunch of other guys dumb enough to workout at the same time. It was amazing! For my fist VC, i thought it appropriate to bring back some of that ole SAG nostalgic glory. The Shoulder SAG was one of the particularly more painful workouts that we did. I was great to be given the opportunity to share it with our new friends. Big props to TheBurn and Sprocket for guiding me along in F3. And big prop to Short Circuit for co captaining with me and for being supportive for the last 2 years. A great support system and great friends.
Toy Soldier
Sun Gods
Michael Phelps
Reverse Michael Phelps
Wrist stretches
The Thang:
The Christmas Shoulder SAG
12 Stations – All with shoulder focus
Each station involved walking 50 yards while implements a shoulder focused exercise
300 yards intermittent sprints between each station.
Limit to 3 minutes / station
01 – 1-plate (45 lbs) bowties
02 – Cinderblock above head
03 – 20 lb dumbell lateral raises
04 – Cinderblock above head
05 – 25 lbs dumbbell shoulder press
06 – Cinderblock above head
07 – 2 85 lbs HD bucket farmer’s carry
08 – Cinderblock above head
09 – 30 lbs Kettle bell front raise
10 – Cinderblock above head
11 – Verkans off bleachers
12 – Cinderblock above head
Prayer for Goose wife going through Surgery
Prayer for Goat’s and Santa Clause’s Dad
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Please to welcome Spud, an Ohio based F3er.