Labor Day Adventure
AO: The Wreck
When: 09/05/2022
QIC: Meltdown
PAX (6): aflac, Caffeine, Donor, Meltdown, Tubbs, Other, Miyagi
With BRR around the corner and Qing on a holiday, YHC decided to go with a “choose your own adventure” beat down. So copies were made and cinders delivered to the park…
At the flag, started with the following:
toy soldiers
hill billy
The Thang:
There were 6 stations scattered around the park. If anyone wanted extra credit, their team could do 200 burpees (which no one did). Goal was to hit as many stations as possible in time allotted. Here they are:
1) merkin mile by the lake
2) mini murph at the playground, 5 rounds (5 pull-ups, 10 merkins, 15 squats)
3) incline and decline merkins at the stadium steps, with 40 dips
4) 4 corners on the field (10 merkins, 20 hammers, 30 jump squats, 40 jlos)
5) with cinder, curl across parking lot, then cusack back
6) 10 bear crawl laps back at squeegees circle.
Donor and miyagi were the only crazies to attempt the bear crawl laps. Aflac and caffeine’s team completed the merkin mile (and were 7 minutes late from Q’s directions). Tubs and I drank coffee the whole time waiting for the others to finish.
prayers for those traveling for various events and for the kids and teachers navigating another school year.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Always enjoy leading this group