Post GrowRuck/ImpactRuck reflections
AO: Starting Line
When: 09/14/2022
QIC: Script Kiddie
PAX (2): Script Kiddie, Sirmixalot
Man so much has happened in the last few days with BRR HIM completing their trek in under a 10 minute pace to the HIM that completed Grow Ruck and to the Impact Ruck that Sprocket paid for me to attend, I will never be able to thank him enough for that! Now the key is to take the lessons learned and applied and let them form each of us into better men for our Ms, 2.0s and everyone we come in contact with,
As I looked at the Qsheet after the Impact Ruck event it was noted that Wednesday was open, SirMixalot stated he would take the Q but I decided to take it instead. I am grateful for his willingness to step up and lead, when needed!
My original plan was to do a Bloodhound BD that consisted of 2 things, running and burpees, but at the last minute, basically during the pre-ruck I called and audible and decided to go another direction.
Time was getting close and right when I thought I would be solo, SirMixalot appeared from the gloom into the light and dropped off his keys at the picnic table then it was time to go.
Time for the events of the gloom to begin
Mosey to the usual spot, with 2 other HCs not present I figured it would be good to stay close to the flag
Moracin Nightclubs
Weed pickers
Copperhead squats
The Thang:
The fear was an all burpee BD, but who would be evil enough to have an all burpee beatdown, that answer would be an enthusiastic, Me!!, but hey World burpee day is coming up so there is always that.
Today I decided to switch it up and do 5 rounds of the following
5 Banthas (1BBSU, 4 Crunch Frogs)
5 Happy Jacks (4 SSHs, 1 Merkin)
Combo squats (10 narrow squats, 10 regular squats, 10 sumo squats, 10 jump squats)
Mosey around the long loop
After 5 rounds of that I wanted to add in a bit o planking
1 minute high plank
1 minute side plank
1 minute revers plank
1 minute side plank – the other side
1 minute low plank
With all that done it was time for a bit o Mary
10 butterfly sit-ups
On other that I cannot remember but with that it was time to call the BD complete
At this point Janeway had made it to the AO, just slightly late, ok he missed the whole BD, but since this is the first time he fart sacked, no worries we have all done it. And Beeline was there helping clear out the disc golf course and joined us for Coffeeteria and part of COT
The Acceleration point was provided but SirMixalot and man was it a great one, direct from the GrowRuck event
Finding courage-John O’donoghue:
“When the light around you lessens, and your thoughts darken until your body feels fear, turn cold as a stone inside, when you find yourself bereft of any belief in yourself, and all you unknowingly learned has fallen, when one voice commands your whole heart, it is a raven dark.
Steady yourself and see that it’s your own thinking that darkens your world. Search and you will find a diamond thought of light. Know that you are not alone and that this darkness has purpose. Gradually it will school your eyes to find the one gift your life requires hidden within this night corner. Invoke learning of every suffering you have suffered. Close your eyes. Gather all the kindling about your heart to create one spark.”
That is all you need
To nourish the flame
That will cleanse the dark
Of its weight of festered fear.
A new confidence will come alive
To urge you towards higher ground
Where your imagination
will learn to engage difficulty
As its most rewarding threshold!
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Coffeetria was a good time of catch up and discussion,
As always it is great leading these men and helping each other grow, looking forward to see what the future holds post GrowRuck/ImpactRuck.