Halloween in June (Part Deux)
AO: The Bridge
When: 06/23/2023
QIC: Dinghy
PAX (9): Angus, Animal, Birdie, Fuzzy Dice, Hackeysack, Potter (Matt Rowand), Spackle, TURK
Let’s try this again – As YHC made his way to The Bridge, there was a look and feel in the atmosphere more like Hound of the Baskervilles vs. The Endless Summer. And this was 48 hours after the summer solstice. So, decision taken to change up the playlist for that sense of foreboding (fog was so dense one could not see from one side of the Town Center Greeen to the other) to the equally tough beatdown – NO “EASE INTO THE WEEKEND” MENTALITY IN THESE PARTS! So with a veteran crew (said loosely as the 3 fired up new guys are helping the numbers – good stuff), disclaimer was given and off we went.
10 each of weedpickers, Willie Mays Hays, Hillbillies, Moroccan Nightclubs, and SSH’s.
Mosey to the traffic circle and back toward the Town Green path by the theater.
The Thang:
Each sequence pairs exercises, both done in reps of 5-10-15-20-15-10-5 ladders, followed by a prescribed lap route (there was one exception, more on that later):
- Entrance to Town Green path by theater, did hand release mercans / jump squats. When done, complete one lap around the Town Green, Imperial Walker for the 6. Mosey to Potter’s Wall (stone wall on west side of the path leading out of the Town Center).
- Potter’s Wall, did step ups and wall dips. When done, complete one lap around the movie theater, Imperial Walker for the 6. Mosey to the east side wall.
- East Wall, did Ercans and Bonnie Blairs. When done, complete an out and back to the traffic circle, Imperial Walker to the 6. Mosey to the pullup bars.
- Pullup bars – change here, did reps of 5-10-15-10-5 with pullups (modifying as necessary) and squats. Imperial Walker for the 6. Mosey to the Burpee Slide
- At the top of the slide, PAX did Burpees while individuals went down the slide, with each slider yelling an audible “weeee” while going down. At the bottom, continue burpees until all pax have had a turn. Mosey back to the flag, and that was TIME!
- FIA/F3 convergence on August 5. Ready-Mix Quad on August 11 and 12th
- Prayers for: Birdie’s dad (and brother, Youtube) for patience on their cross country trip; Turk’s father in law for quick healing; for the folks in Texas who are cleaning up and dealing with tragic loss after tornadoes Thursday; and praise for Angus’ 2.0’s Bat Mitzvah
Naked-Man Moleskin:
A real treat to Q at The Bridge, made more fun as we are seeing the fruits of EH’ing (i.e., organic growth of HIMs coming out to challenge themselves and others). So pleased to be part of that journey and to help others accelerate!