“Burpees are Fun” 2.0

AO: The Hooch

When: 07/03/2023

QIC: PuffDaddy

PAX (10): Animal, BallBoy, Birdie, Breach, Half-Dozen, HIPAA, Pigtails, Popper (Dan Richard), PuffDaddy, Tightrope


I recently celebrated my five year anniversary with F3. Went back and found my original work out that El Matador lead, and wanted to reprise some aspects of that. Also wanted to add some partner coupon work, which is my favorite.

had a beautiful 70° morning and we were blessed with a beautiful red, white, and blue sunrise to get us ready for the Fourth of July tomorrow.


SSH, weed-pickers, moroccan nightclubs,


Mosey to Church and did butt-kickers and high-knees on the way.

The Thang:


Headed to Chapel Hill to reprise part of “Burpees are fun” from my 1st workout.

1. We partnered up, one partner, starting to work on 100 Burpee’s, while the other partner did Bernie up the hill.  (in the original work out, El Matador commented, he wondered if we needed a steeper hill in the playground.)

Clearly Chapel Hill was steeper…. based on the mumble chatter. I modified and when the teams had finished half of their Burpee’s, so they only had to Bernie up half of the hill.

2 we did a second set with one partner doing 200 LBCs, and just a regular run up the hill and around.

3. Indian run back to coupons.

started coupon work.

4. 1 set of Colt 45s

5. 1 set of skull crushers

6. partnered-back  up and did “catch me if you can” with coupons around the two grass islands. One partner farmer carried both coupons and the other did 5 merkins then caught up with partners and swapped.
7. rinse and repeat second round but substituted 3 Burpees for Merkins.

finished up with Mary

gas pumpers, Jlos, box cuttters, Dying cockroaches, LBCs


Praise for Birdie’s family, who made it safely back to Georgia from the trip across the states. Also, continued prayers for Readymix’ family. Father’s Day was tougher this year than last year. And his birthday is about a month away.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

It was good to get back out and lead again at the Hooch since it had been a while. Very thankful for the friendships and I’ve made these last Five years.
Keep Hammerin’ fellas.


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