Negative… The Pattern is Full

AO: Rubicon

When: 07/06/2023

QIC: FannyPack

PAX (10): Avis, Birdie, FannyPack, Lefty, lumbergh, No-See-Um, Red Ryder (D Mack), Shazam, Special K, Trebek


Today is, as we all know, “National Air Traffic Control Day”.  I think that’s self explanatory.


We mosey’d to the big flag for a warm up that included SSH, Weedpickers, windmills, Imperial Walkers, arm circles, and COVIDs.  Then we mosey’d to the far playground in the deep gloom for a round of morning call.

The Thang:

We mosey’d back to the rock pile near the FOD for a lifting rock, then down to the baseball diamond.

To honor our Air Traffic Controllers (ATC’s), we each took a turn landing the rest of the PAX-planes safely at home.  YHC went first as ATC.

ATC on the pitcher’s mound, doing 10 burpees while the PAX did Curls at home.  When ATC finishes 10 burpees, he yells “Fly” and the PAX Bear Crawl to 1st.  While the PAX are flying, ATC does a Superman.  Once the PAX arrive at the next base, ATC does 10 more burpees, and so on (sub bear crawls for crab walks or some other mode of movement)

  • Home: Curls (leave coupons at home)
  • 1st: Squats
  • 2nd: Big Boys
  • 3rd: Bonnie Blairs

When the PAX get back home, time for a new ATC.

The ATC has absolute power, and can modify any aspect of any of this.  Or just repeat the same routine.

We were having so much fun we went a two minutes over.


Prayers for No-See-Um’s dad who remembered the passing of his father (NSU’s grandfather) yesterday.

Ready Mix Quad coming up as well as the FIA convergence.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

I had fun this morning.  Thanks guys!

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