National Freezer Pop Day AND National Chocolate with Almonds Day

AO: Widowmaker

When: 07/08/2023

QIC: Ha-ha

PAX (18): Boomer, Cox, Deep dish, defcon2, Feathers, Ha-ha, Mater, Mounty, NRA, Speedo, Tater tot, Tenderfoot, Zohan, Training Wheels, FNG Pong, FNG Jolly Rancher, Shuttlecock


Looking for an angle (always look for the angle), I found a list of National Days. Who comes up with these things? I narrowed it down to 8 and posted the tease on Slack:


So there are choices for tomorrow:
  1. National Skinny Dip Day
  2. National Blueberry Day
  3. National Math Day
  4. National Chocolate with Almonds Day
  5. National Freezer Pop Day
  6. National Ice Cream Sundae Day
  7. National Video Game Day
  8. National Be a Kid Day
Guess which one we won’t celebrate tomorrow!
We immediately had votes to not celebrate Math day. 7 more choices.
Well, lets go with Freezer Pop and Chocolate with Almonds for $200.


A quick mosey around the parking lot and circle for:

  • SSH
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Weed Pickers

Run back down to the Ha-ha mobile and pair off and pick up one Girlfriend per pair and mosey to the Widowmaker.

The Thang:

After collecting the 6 we moseyed down to the manhole cover. Partner exercises:

No Man Left Behind

Overhead Press
Back Squats
Jump Squats
Diamond Merkins
Wide Merkins
High Pull
Skull Crushers
Goblet Squats
Lunge (single count)

Partner 1 does exercises while partner 2 runs to the top of the Widowmaker and back. Flapjack. Continue to next exercise after both partners do each exercise. After every 2 exercises we wait for the 6.

After the first 6 exercises we stopped for a Freezer Pop Day break.  Everyone got a color choice of a freezer pop and then we moved on to the last 4 exercises on the list.


After that we moseyed to the back soccer lot for:


Catch Me If You Can

Partner one Rifle Carries the Girlfriend around the lot while partner 2 drops for 10 Merkins and runs to catch up then swap. Stop after one completed lap and then we moseyed back to the flag.

Copperhead Squats for the 6.

And everyone got a Hersey’s Chocolate with Almonds bar to celebrate National Chocolate with Almonds Day.


Convergence, Quadzilla, Darth Visor Memorial CSAUP all coming in August.

Praise that Training Wheel’s M is recovering well from heart surgery.


Welcome FNG’s Pong and Jolly Rancher.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always a pleasure to lead. Thanks for putting up with my wacky ideas.

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