Back to basics

AO: 2nd F

When: 07/10/2023

QIC: Mater

PAX (9): Chanel, Darkside, Floater, Mounty, Speedo, Stifler (Jeff Levy), Trebek, Zohan


Rainy day this morning so met up at the pavilion.  Quick disclaimer done and off we go.


Quick mosey around the parking lot and back to the pavilion to stay dry.

Warm up consisted for SSH, Windmill, Forward and backward arm circles, and Michael Phelps.

The Thang:

Today we went back to basics and concentrated on form, tabata style (40 second exercise w/ 15 second rests).

Round 1 exercises:
Coupon Curls
Big Boys

Then Bear Crawl to other end of the pavilion and Crab walk back to the other end

Round 2 exercises:
Bentover rows
Jump Squats
Coupon overhead press

Then Bear Crawl to other end of the pavilion and Crab walk back to the other end

Round 3 exercises:
Upright rows

Mosey around the parking lot

Rinse and repeat above

We then did 7’s w/ Burpees on one side and lunges on the other.


Reminder that we are here for each other.  Reach out if you ever need help from any of us.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thanks for letting me lead, always a pleasure.  And glad I could keep everyone dry this morning.

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