Getting Wet at Black Water for my VQ

AO: Black Water

When: 07/10/2023

QIC: Mantooth

PAX (8): Baskins, Better Call Saul, Longshanks, Mantooth, Mr. Hand, Napalm, Pinkman, Snake


A few HIM decided to do an epic 50k around Cumming and Whiz thought it would be wise to pass off his Q for Black Water after completing 33+ miles the day before. After asking for any takers, the people (mainly just Inseam) spoke and requested that I take it for my VQ. Without hesitation, I knew I had to step up and the wheels began to turn!


Mosey to the end of the parking lot for some Moroccan Night Club, SSH, and some Dying Cockroaches.

The Thang:

Mosey to the amphitheater for a reminder that “Dorothy Mantooth is a saint!”

Four rounds of Tabata, four exercises in each round, with a jog in between each round. Each exercise began with the letters that spelled out “DOROTHY MANTOOTH” with a bonus exercise to give us 16 total.

Round 1

D- Derkins, O – Overhead Claps, R- Reverse Crunches, O- Outlaw…. Jog

Round 2

T- T-Bombs, H- Hand Release Burpees, Y- Y-Hold, M- Mountain Climbers…. Jog

Round 3

A- American Hammers, N- Nolan Ryan’s (look it up), T – Toe Taps, O – One Wolverine…. Jog

Round 4

O- One Sprint up Amphitheater, T- T-Merkin, H- Hallelujah Squats, Bonus – BBS


We got a little off track at the beginning of Round 4 with the sprint up the amphitheater seats and missed the cadence for rest, but we finished up right on time. Mosey back to the flag for COT.


Prayers for Better Call Saul’s friends grandson who is born 3 months premature.

A lot of acceleration happening around F3 Cumming and more upcoming events. NLB event on 7/22, Driveway Mile on 8/5, Quadrathalon to honor Ready Mix on 8/11-12, 3rd Annual Darth Visor Memorial CSAUP on 8/26

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Man! It was great seeing 8 PAX show up for my VQ, regardless of the rain! Thank you to all who came out and to those that reached out wishing they could be there. First one down, many more to come!

After posting my first BD at Black Water on 5/22/23, it was a privilege to have my VQ here a month and a half later! It’s a fact that the 1st F is the hook, but it’s that 2nd F that is the glue! The men of F3 Cumming (and all other F3 regions that I’ve encountered) have been nothing but awesome!

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