BRR Prep Work

AO: Norseman

When: 07/11/2023


PAX (10): Bottom Bunk, DeLorean, Ha-ha, muTTon, Password 123, Pepper, Stu, TO, Untouchable, Hot Wheels


The pax were blessed with a beautiful cool crisp July morning.  Vacations must be in full swing with numbers down about 40-50%.  But 10 men were there, together and off they went.  YHC is working to get ready for the BRR and thought he’d share some of that training with his fellow pax.


Mosey over to the parking lot for a lap then circled up.  SSH, Imperial Walkers (called with perfect cadence by the Q), Weed Pickers, and a Circle Burp.

The Thang:

Mosey down the road past the football fields and to the first speed bump at the bottom of the hill.  Time for “Split 11s”.  The first half of 11s was 7s (6+1).  Shoulder Taps at the bottom of the hill and Burpees at the top.  If you finish before the Six then start over.  The Pax enjoyed the six trips up the hill (maybe more for some) and then we pulled an about face and moseyed back to the other end of the park to Fields 6 & 7.  There the pax finished the 11s, starting with 10 merkins at one end and squats at the other, working back from 10+1 to 7+4.  With a little time to spare the pax all finished and it was a mosey back to the flag for some Mary.  Mary consisted of Merkins, Flutter Kicks, LBCs and an unfortunate call out to Stu leading to some Fire Hydrants.


Keep Mutton and his son Easton in your thoughts and prayers.  Convergence at Brook Street Park with FIA on 8/5.  If you are downrange go to Google and search for “F3 near me” (thanks Stu!).


Naked-Man Moleskin:

Great to see the men of the Rubicon at DD coffeeteria.  Fantastic work put in by everyone today.  So blessed to be a part of this group and an honor to lead for a morning.

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