“That’s a mighty fine turf nugget harvest, boys”

AO: Gladiator

When: 07/11/2023

QIC: Dinghy

PAX (10): Chanel, Darkside, DREAMER, Macbeth, Mater, Spandex, Tar Heel, Huey, FNG Butterknife (WELCOME!)


This morning marked the first post-birthday beatdown for YHC, which was going to be challenge for several reasons: 1) Huge difference between 53 and 54; 2) YHC was ALSO coming off a nasty summer cold; and 3) The challenge for how to continue the process of properly breaking in the new turf fields. Fortunately, with the aid of tenacity, Dayquil, and the channeled wisdom of his good friend, Birdie (i.e., simple, ruthless efficiency), YHC was up for the challenge. SO…..full disclaimer given (yes, Shaker of Weasels, it was done!), we were off….


12 each of weedpickers, Willie Mays Hays (ok, 14), Moroccan Night Clubs, Hillbillies, and SSH’s. Farmer’s carry coupon to the end line of the near turf field.

The Thang:

  1. Starting at the end line, perform 1 blockee, 1 bent row, and 1 murder bunny. Then perform 2 of each, and so on until performing 10. After the 10th murder bunny, Zamperini carry block to opposite end line. Imperial Walker for the 6
  2. Similar structure to first phase, except exercises are now squats, deadlifts, and alpha count lunges with block. Zamperini carry block after the 10th lunge, Imperial Walker for the 6.
  3. 7’s – starting at baseline, perform 6 squat thruster; farmer’s carry across to the penalty box line, perform 1 coupon swing. Mary for 6
  4. Mary – performed flutter kicks, dying cockroaches, mountain climbers, J Lo’s, and Mercans….and that was time


FIA convergence in downtown Alpharetta on August 5th. Ready-Mix Quad (1k swim/10k run/20 k ruck/ 50k bike) on August 11/12. Also – re-name of the Widowmaker to ManMaker and change of command on 19 August.

Prayers for travel mercies and healing for our country.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always great to Q at The Gladiator. The mumblechatter is strong, and you have to be on your game with the workout AND the playlist. Thanks for keeping me sharp, men!

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