Applause is Fleeting

AO: 3rd F

When: 07/07/2023

QIC: El Matador

PAX (3): Hollywood, Turbine

The Thang:

Intended to cover 2 chapters, but it turns out that Chapter 3 of “The True Measure of a Man” had enough of its own to talk about!  We covered a ton, from what true masculinity is to where men find identity.  No, this wasn’t a watered down version of a man.  Nor was it a call to be ‘John Wayne.’  Instead, YHC was challenged to consider character as more valuable than appearance.  We live in a world that values the way we appear to others more than a man’s actual substance.  The first question is, “how does it look?”  This chapter left us considering what would happen if we began to find our worth in God’s definition and not what this world says.  It also challenged us to live for something greater than temporary success, because as the author said:  “Applause of the Audience is Fleeting!”


Thanks men for coming and sharpening each other!

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