Dora! Dora! (A little Van Halen tribute)

AO: The Hooch

When: 07/12/2023

QIC: Feathers

PAX (22): Angus, Animal, BallBoy, Birdie, Boomer, Breach, Chesapeake, Flo, Half-Dozen, HIPAA, Jetson, Maguire, Mater, Meatball, Pigtails, Popper (Dan Richard), Saint2O, Sunshine, Tenderfoot, Zima, Zohan


This wasn’t my first VH-themed BD, but it may be my favorite.


Quick Mosey, SSH, Imperial Walkers, Weed Pickers, Tempo Merkins, then mosey to the area behind starbucks.

The Thang:

Dora! Dora! (reference to a deep track on VH’s third album, Women and Children First)

Standard partner Dora setup – 1 PAX runs one lap while other performs exercises, Performed to a selection of abridged VH tunes spanning the equally-epic Roth and Hagar eras

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 Big Boys
  • 300 Mountain climbers alpha style
  • 200 Squats
  • 100 Crunchy Frogs

Audio Daily Double: Whenever the following song clips break into the soundtrack, ALL Pax, regardless of whether running or performing reps, must drop wherever they are and perform the corresponding exercise:

  • Runaround (1 Minute): Run laps
  • Jump (30 Seconds): Amrap Diamond David Lee Roth Jumpees (burpee with a diamond merkin and a jumping split at the top)
  • Bottoms Up! (30 Seconds): Bear Crawls

This made for a fast-paced BD, with no 10 counts given during the core Thang.

Bonus Thang

All 22 PAX lined up on their six, arms length apart, in the American Hammer position, feet off the ground.  Grab and pass a single Coupon down the line, maintaining AMHAM position.  One full pass upstream, followed by downstream.  To the tune of “Chain Gain” by the late, great Sam Cooke.


Announcement of the Ready Mix Quad Aug 11/12.  Thanks for prayers for YHC’s workplace, Prayers for FLO and his M.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

I was sidelined from Q’ing for a couple of months, and have been making up for it over the past couple of weeks. It’s fun to be back in the saddle.  While I’m far from 100%, I’m also aware that, at 50 yo and a regular F3er, I will likely never again be without some discomfort.  My new motto is “Pain Feels Good”.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

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