Smoked Shoulders and a New Hill

AO: The Bound

When: 07/12/2023

QIC: Ha-ha

PAX (12): Cookie, Ha-ha, MillerTime, Red Ryder, Scampi, Tricycle (Mike Stolorena), Little Foot, Lasso, FNG - Wrigley, Yellowstone, Training Wheels, Biebs


The Girlfriends were itching to get out and visit the guys at NLB again so I grabbed an open Q spot and here we go.


We had a 4 pack out on a pre-run this morning and as 5:30 rolled around they were not back yet. As YHC finished the disclaimer headlamps were coming in the back lot entrance so we mosied that direction to pick them up, U turn at the road and to the back lot past the gym and up the steep dirt road to the top of the hill for warm up.

  • SSH
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Weed Pickers

Mosied back down the hill and found Training Wheels who had stopped for a drink after pre-run and turned around and we were gone.

The Thang:

Reunited at the Ha-ha mobile we each pick up a dance partner for the morning.

No Man Left Behind

Unless you wander off to get water, I guess. This morning’s workout we partnered up.  Stay with your partner for the morning to push through the pain.

40 reps of an exercise at the bottom of the NLB hill in front of Harding Hall and travel up the hill with your Girlfriend held as prescribed and walk 100 yards up to the playground where we will do 40 reps of another exercise and then walk back down again with the Girlfriends in the prescribed holding position.


Like this:

No Man Left Behind
40 Overhead Press Lefthand Farmer Carry 100 yards
40 Curls Righthand Farmer Carry 100 yards
40 Back Squats Rifle carry 100 yards
40 Jump Squats Rifle carry 100 yards
40 Diamond Merkins Behind head carry 100 yards
40 Wide Merkins Behind head carry 100 yards
40 High Pull Rifle carry 100 yards
40 Skull Crushers Rifle carry 100 yards
40 Goblet Squats Lefthand Farmer Carry 100 yards
40 Lunge (single count) Righthand Farmer Carry 100 yards

We ran out of time before the last pair so we returned the girls and went to the B-ball court for:

  • Flutter Kicks
  • LBCs
  • Freddy Mercuries

Right on queue at 0551 the Space Station flew over from NW to SE nice and bright.


Family recovering from surgery. Convergence/Darth Visor/The Quad all this month

NLB running at Hogwallow Saturday 7/29


Naked-Man Moleskin:

An honor to lead these men who are dedicating serious time to get right and to lead right.

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