Quad Training

AO: Gladiator

When: 07/13/2023

QIC: Stroller

PAX (10): Chanel, Darkside, DREAMER, Mater, Speedo, Stroller, WhiteWater, Zohan, Huey, Butterknife


After agreeing to take the Q from Macbeth in honor of my 5th F3 anniversary, the next step was figuring out what to do. Inspiration was low, but upon waking up from a well-deserved nap on Tuesday (newborn dad life), YHC suddenly had just the inspiration he needed.

PAX were asked to bring a coupon, preferrably a “non-standard” one. A few PAX brought rucks or ruck plates, Darkside brought a kettlbebell, others picked from the rock pile, while YHC offered 2 Home Depot buckets, a sandbag, and his own ruck. Whether due to low Slack usage rates or lack of good material at some PAX houses, each of the extras brought by the Q were used. Apologies to Butterknife for getting stuck with the other bucket.

After a longer than usual pre-run, 0515 came quick and it was time to get going. We have a lot to do today.


Lug coupons to the field. Plank and hold while Q explains that today’s beatdown is preparation for the upcoming Quad (1k swim, 10k run, 20k ruck, 50k bike). Zohan complained that we weren’t doing exercises, so we did some plank jacks and mountain climbers, then get up and do some copperhead squats.

The Thang:


Run from the field to Fouts Rd and back. When the gazelles turn back, everyone else is supposed to turn back. Mixed results on that one.


Time to work the legs. Rep counts for each exercise: 21-15-9 (i.e., 21 each, 15 each, 9 each). Monkey humpers, calf raises, Bonnie Blairs. Then run again, but this time to the upper baseball field.


Core burner with shoulders mixed in. 4 corners escalator around half the field. 20 flutter kicks, 20 HR mercans, 20 supermans, 20 leg raises. Start with flutter kicks and add an exercise each round. Then run to the same spot as last time.


Finally, time to use our coupons. Complete 5 goblet squats, high pulls, and curls. Then transport your coupon to midfield, perform 5 burpees, and transport coupon back. Rinse and repeat with 10, 15, and 20. Was supposed to be 5 burpees each time, though- apologies to Butterknife and Huey that the message didn’t get communicated. That’s on the Q.

Running low on time, we brought the six in partway through the set of 20 and took our coupons back to the flag. With exactly 1 minute on the clock, we did AMRAP burpees to close it out.


  • Quad Aug 11-12- see Slack for details on group options
  • Family convergence Aug 5 at Brook St Park
  • Prayers for Speedo’s family putting the dog down, especially his 1st born
  • Praise for Huey’s uncle’s recovery from pancan
  • Prayers for Zohan’s uncle battling cancer

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Felt good this morning, but by the time we hit the weighted portion of the beatdown I was spent. Leading this with a Home Depot bucket was a true test of will (seriously, just try to curl a water bucket).

It was great to be out there with brothers new and old this morning. None of these guys were at my first beatdown (only Zohan was even part of F3 at that time), but the camraderie is as strong and meaningful as ever. I can’t imagine how these 5 years would have unfolded without this group, but I am certain the challenges would have been harder and my life far less rich. Thank you to Spandex for the EH so long ago.

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