BDAY Dora BLIMPS for the W!!!

AO: Windjammer

When: 07/14/2023

QIC: Longshanks

PAX (10): Caroline, Cookie, Cox, Longshanks, mike c (Brutus ), Nair, Sparkie, Townie, uga, Walkie Talkie


It’s my Birthday!!!!

Hey guys, what do y’all want to do for my birthday Q/

(Rock Voice) – It Doesn’t Matter!!


Mosey to the lake flag.

16 SSH, 10 Windmills, 10 Weedpickers, 10 Willie Mays Hayes, Arm Circles and Covids

The Thang:

Dora BLIMPS – 146 of each while your partner runs the loop. Since well I turn 46 today.

B – Bombjacks

L – Lunges

I – Inch worm Merkins (everyones favorite)

M – Monkey Humpers

P – Plank Jacks

S – Squats

Just enough time at the end for some burpees and Mary


Announcements – Darth Visor, FIA Convergence.

Prayers – Cookie’s friend who just lost his dad to cancer, Walkie’s dad who is in chemo and battling cancer. Just everyone in general dealing with the effect of cancer. Townie’s friends 14 year son who had surgery for “twisted nuts”


Naked-Man Moleskin:

Nice little truth nugget from Cookie this morning about us getting what we want not what we truly think we want and work for. To me it was about making sure I change the habits I need to so that I can have the things I truly want in life Good call on the truth nugget Cookie!

Also gotta love BLIMPS. So many different exercises can be used to accomplish the same goal.  I think most of the PAX were pleased that the B wasn’t burpees. But would’ve probably taken the burpees over the inch worm merkins!

Thanks for coming out to help me celebrate my birthday. Miss my Windjammer PAX but was well worth the drive to see you and lead you.

Shanks out!!

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