A Game of Hide and Seek at The Bridge

AO: The Bridge

When: 07/14/2023

QIC: Birdie

PAX (10): Boomer, Breach, Dinghy, Escobar, Fuzzy Dice, McCracken, Potter, Spackle, 2.0 Optimus


Seems like this morning we were seeking a lot of things: 1) A Q to actually staff The Bridge as the scheduled Q had to go out of town; 2) The entire PAX group and the 2 co-Q’s, as our friend Potter was late enough that he find where the first co-Q Birdie had taken the group, namely to the end of the line for the new running paths at The Bridge (really, it’s a path to no where!). What we did find was fitness, and after a full throated disclaimer by the first co-Q, off we went.


Mosey to the back parking lot. 12 each of: Weedpickers, Toy Soldiers, Moroccan night clubs, and Windmills.

The Thang:

Part 1 – Ruthless Efficiency with Birdie: Each Pax was directed to the rock pile in the back parking lot and grab 2 handful sized rocks. Take the rocks and mosey to the new dead-ended walking path.

Tabatas of 30 seconds/10 seconds rest for 3 minutes were set. Once completed, pax would mosey to the path bridge and back and await to further tasking.

Exercises includes: Overhead claps with rock AMRAP, Mercans AMRAP, American Hammer with rocks AMRAP

Part 2: Mash the Gas with Dinghy:

Tabata,8 x 20 sec/10 sec – lateral raises with rocks….those started to sting at round 3; mosey up around the path, up to the rock pile, drop the rocks, and then over to Potter’s Wall.

7’s with step ups and dips….mosey to The Memorial. Each Pax directed to find a low bench

7’s with dercans and monkey humpers…mosey back to the flag

7’s with ercans and copperhead squats.

Circle up for Mary, including: Flutter kicks, LBC’s, Mercans


Don’t forgot FIA / F3 convergence in Alpharetta on 8/5, and the Ready-Mix Quad on 8/11 an 8/12

Prayers for Travel Mercies and Peace/Healing in our country

Naked-Man Moleskin:

F3’s about accelerating YOUR fitness while helping other dudes accelerate theirs. When a brother raises a hand and needs some help, you jump into the breach. Folks are going have last minute health emergencies, work travel, kids sickness, or plain old fart sackin’. Substiq-ing isn’t easy, but it’s necessary, and it was an pleasure to help our boy Humperdinck out and co-Q with our site-Q, Birdie. Always an honor lead, and co-leading was was even better.

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