Looking for BD ideas and found.a CATFISH

AO: Starting Line

When: 07/15/2023

QIC: Script Kiddie

PAX (4): CATFISH, Janeway, Script Kiddie, Sirmixalot


There was a last minute Q change so I decided to take it and revisit a Beatdown that Catfish lead last year.

It was not easy there was some CAT-erwauling and it felt like we got hit by a CAT 5 strom, and I was slightly ill prepared but it worked out not to be a CATastrophe.

Ok enough puns time to cover the pre ruck and BD, Janeway was there early and we managed to get about 2.5 miles, it was a good pace and good conversations.





Moseyed to the spot



Weed pickers

Copperhead merkins

Copperhead squats

Moroccan night clubs 

The Thang:

This BD was a complete copy of what CATFISH did on his first Q at starting line and with the first exercise we did was burpees, I know this one had to be revisited. 


The plan was simple each song you did a specific exercise until the song finished them you moseyed to the short loop and Bernie Sander-ed across to the other side and ran back to the start, 

So here were the songs and exercises for each.


El Incompredido – Burpees

Take a lap

No Easy Way Out – Big Boy Situps, with a Rocky right left jab thrown in at the end of each BBSU thanks to a suggestion by SirMixalot

Take a lap

Pepas – SSHs

Take a lap

Tarzan Boy – Merkins

Take a lap

It’s my Life – Mountain climbers

Take a lap

Fortunate Son – Ranger Merkins

Take a lap

Your Love – Super legs a combo of several leg exercises done together 

Take a lap

Sweet Child O’mine – Peter Parker’s

Take a lap

Crazy Train – LBC

We had one more song but ran out of time and CATFISH had to leave right at 8 so no OT for this morning. I have to say, I really enjoyed the songs and the exercises, and even though it was a challenging BD, I look forward to doing it again.


Payer requests

sorry could not remember them but continued pray for the PAX that are traveling and for Better Call Saul’s friends premature baby.

Acceleration Point

Just like the songs/exercises were hard, each one came to an end and we then had to face a new challenge, just like in life we will face things, some harder than others but it is only for a time and we can push to the end knowing that we have the strength to keep going and we have people around us to encourage/strengthen us along the way.


Announcement, second F event this week  and Rome ruck this weekend

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Janeway had to leave during the BD and CATFISH left right after the pic. So coffeeteria was just me and SirMixalot, but it was still great conversation.

It was another hot morning with 100% humidity but it was well worth the effort to spend time with these High Impact Men, thanks to each of them for coming out and sharing another session in the gloom.

I am honored to know each one of you.

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