I didn’t like that…

AO: Grindstone

When: 07/17/2023

QIC: Whiz

PAX (10): Bill Dance, Crab Cake, DirtyMO, Omaha, Snowman, Spit Valve, Striker (Brendan Day), Tsunami, Vanna, Whiz


YHC on Q again and this time I really had nothing heading into the pre-run.  I’d love to figure out how to crowdsource an entire beatdown some day but today wasn’t the day.  I remembered the Wimbledon tourney just finished yesterday and was able to pull a few nuggets from some fellow PAX and from the annals of past Q’s to come up with something just in time.


Mosey around the lot and circle up for SSH, good morning, weed picker, abe vigoda IC.

The Thang:

Head over to the main tennis courts.

Thang 1:  Tennis Court Suicides

baseline, service line, net, opposite service line, opposite baseline

Rd 1 – bear crawl

Rd 2 – crab walk

Rd 3 – duck walk

this took longer than expected but sucked in all the right places (TWSS)

Thang 2:  El Mucho Chesto es muy Importante.  De nada.

Bear crawl ring of fire with 10 reps of various merkins called out by YHC. (standard, wide, staggered each arm [archers?], diamond, ranger, hand release)

Thang 3: Colt 45 with coupons.

15 curls, 15 OH press, 15 skull crusher

Shared coupon rotation proved that DirtyMo has manliness for days…

Back to the flag with just enough time for 15 burpees OYO


NLB breakfast at 0630 this upcoming Saturday.  Driveway mile on 8/5.  Check slack for more details.

Prayers for PAX traveling for work and vacation.

Thanksgiving for the awesome culture we have here in Cumming.  We put in hard work, encourage each other, bust each others balls, laugh, have fun, call each other out, and love each other like true brothers.  I can honestly say I’ve never experienced anything like what we have here and my life is so enriched for it.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

For the record, Omaha did not like this workout.

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