
AO: Boneyard

When: 07/17/2023

QIC: Feathers

PAX (8): Chanel, Morphine, Mounty, RaspberryPi, Speedo, Trebek, Brownie


I was excited to get a text last night that our dear friend Morphine would be coming back of the DL.  Being my third Q in a row, and I was fresh out of themes, so I figured if we randomly moseyed the AO, we could find a few slightly challenging things to do along the way.


Mosey, SSH, Weedpickers, Willy Mays-Hayes, Moroccan Nightclubs.  Mosey to the traffic circle.

The Thang:

The “Oh”-Zone: Starting at 6 O’Clock position, burpee broad-jump to 12 O’Clock.  Perform 25 Big Boys.  Crawl Bear back to 6, 20 Big Boys.  Rinse and repeat, decreasing BBs by 5 each time.  We all showed that circle our “Oh” Face.  Mosey to the Veterans memorial.

Mucho Respecto: Bear Crawl the first half of the wall, stopping at each of 5 benches along the way to perform 5 reps Mucho Chesto sequence (5 regular merkins at first bench, 5 Wide at second….).  Air Chair for the fallen at the big flag while awaiting 6.  Repeat sequence down second half of wall.  Mosey to the pond.

Bull Frogs: On the stone wall, peform 5 Crunchy Frogs and 15 Pond Drinkers (Dirkins with feet on wall and hands on the water’s edge).  Run up the steps and adown the loop path under the bridge and back to starting point.  Increase CFs by 5 and decrease PDs by 5.  R&R until complete.

When finished, proceed up the steps repeating 3 steps up, 2 steps back, until reaching the top.  Mosey to the flag for 3 min of Mary.


Prayers for Doughboy and his family.  Praise for Morhpine’s return and prayers for his imminent move.  Prayers for Speedo’s family dog as they manage end-of-life.  Reminders of Ready Mix Quad and F3/FIA convergence.

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