7×71, AKA Not Double Respect Yet!

AO: Norseman

When: 07/18/2023

QIC: Untouchable

PAX (11): Chapter 11, DeLorean, DirtyMO, Fresh Prince, Ha-ha, Knight Rider, Password 123, Stu, TMI, TO, Untouchable


It was my birthday Q so I tried to incorporate every relevant number.  I was born on July 17, 1971 which makes me 52.  Lots of 7’s, 17’s, 71’s and 52’s in this beatdown.


After a quick mosey around the parking lot we warmed up with 17 SSH’s, 17 Weedpickers, 17 Hillbillies then arm circles on your own.

The Thang:

Moseyed to pick up coupons then headed to the the football field for a little 7×71.  7 exercises 71 times followed by a lap after each exercise.   7 exercises were curls, American hammers, squats, skull crushers, Freddy Mercuries, lunges and bent over rows.  Little did we know that a piece of Stu’s coupon would fall off and hit him in the head – an actual skull crusher!  No permanent harm was done to Stu.

After the 7×71’s were done we partnered up.  First man bear crawled while his partner did 7 burpees then ran and caught up to his partner.  This was done until they went 52 yards at which time they ran back to the goal line.  We did this twice before moseying back to the flag for a little Mary, box cutters and flutter kicks.


Prayer requests:

TO’s friend Tim had double lung replacement.  Pray for healing and recovery.

Ha-ha’s M is looking for a job.  Pray for peace and guidance during this time and that the right opportunity will present itself.


Fantastic timing for Brutus of our Cumming brothers. Found a new job but the timing allowed him to train and compete in an event all before the job started.  I love it when a plan comes together.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

As always, it was an honor to lead you this morning.  If you all get half of what I get from being part of F3, we are all in a great place.

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