Climb that Hill

AO: The Bound

When: 07/19/2023

QIC: Feathers

PAX (11): Birdie, Ha-ha, HIPAA, Nacho Libre, Red Ryder (D Mack), Tricycle (Mike Stolorena), Tsunami, Training Wheels, Little Foot, Beeps


This was my VQ at the Bound, and I hadn’t been there in several months, so I was pleasantly surprised to see the massive transformation of the campus.  Since this was my first Q here, I hoped to make it memorable.


Mosey, SSH, Weedpickers, windmills, Moroccan Nightclubs, mosey back to the new building.

The Thang:

Climb that Hill

Setup: 8 cones, roughly 10′ in a line up a slight incline, each with a listed exercise and rep count:

  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 Merkins
  • 15 Big Boys
  • 20 American Hammers (alpha)
  • 20 Jump Squats
  • 15 Diamond Merkins
  • 10 T-Bombs
  • 5 Yowzers (burpee with Bonnie Blair at top)

Start at first cone.  Perform exercise, then turn around and run the path back toward the old chow hall and back to the first cone.  Perform that exercise, then bear crawl to the next cone and perform that exercise.  Turn around and run the path and return to the first cone.  Perform the first three exercises, bear crawling between the cones.  R&R all the way to the summit.  With a few minutes to spare, PAX repeated the sequence, but with the run cut in half, and exercising at just one cone, in succession.  So no bear crawls, and no repeated exercises.

If you completed the full sequence, you did:

  • 45 Burpees
  • 80 Merkins
  • 105 Big Boys
  • 120 Alpha American Hammers
  • 100 Jump Squats
  • 60 Diamond Merkins
  • 30 T-Bombs
  • 10 Yowzers
  • 2 mile run

Climb that Hill Playlist:

  • Higher Ground – Stevie Wonder
  • Dreams – Van Halen
  • Jacob’s Ladder – Huey Lewis
  • King of the Mountain – Bon Jovi
  • Ain’t No Mountain High Enough – Marvin Gaye
  • Eagles Fly – Sammy Hagar
  • Roll With It – Steve Winwood
  • I Won’t Back Down – Tom Petty
  • I’m Still Standing – Elton John
  • Top of the World – Van Halen
  • The Climb – Miley Cyrus (Unplayed due to time constraints)



Prayers for Nacho’s wife’s return from Uganda; Training Wheels’ wife’s doctor appt and continued treatment; Ha-Ha’s wife’s job loss; Praise for Birdie’s day with dad.  Gratitude for the air in our lungs.  We all have today.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Pleasure to lead at this location and to fellowship with these guys.

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