Windjammer Half Iron Man

AO: Windjammer

When: 07/19/2023

QIC: mike c (Brutus )

PAX (10): Caroline, Cox, Deep dish, False Start, mike c (Brutus ), NRA, Sparkie, Stu, uga, Walkie Talkie


Over the last 5 months I have mostly been absent from F3 Beatdowns to train for my first Half Iron Man Triathalon.  I was bless to have successfully completed Happy Valley 70.3 2 weeks ago and I returned to the Windjammer last week and picked-up the Q for today based on the half-iron man (loosely based).

Weather was warm but not too humid.  Sky was not fully clear (as noted by Walkie Talkie) but overall a great morning for a workout!


Mosey to the flag for a pretty standard WOR:


-Toy Soldiers

-Imperial Walkers

-Weed Pickers

-Arm Circles

and my signature neck rolls (thanks for @FalseStart as I almost forgot them)

The Thang:

3 Phases  Designed after the Legs and Distance of a  Half IM:

1)Boat Ramp for the swim (HIM distance of 2100M)

-21 circle burp with SSH (arms and legs moving like a swim)

-4 Corners with 21 SSH in the middle..(gotta work those abs for when you emerge from the lake)

-LBC/Gas Pumpers/Box Cutters/Flutter Kicks (21 each)

2.)Sports Park for the Bike (HIM distance of 56 miles)

-56 Freddy Mercury

-Split into pairs with coupon

While One PAX ran across park and pack the other exercised with coupon to complete 56 cumulative of  Shoulder Press, Skull Crusher, Curls, Rows, Squats

More Freddy Mercury awaiting the 6

3.)The run (HIM distance of 13 miles)


7 times up the hill  + 6 times down = 13

at the bottom do 13 merkins of differing varieties

Indian Run back to Flag

3 Burpees for the .3 and then LBC til the end.



Some great upcoming activity in August (see channels for details)

-FIA /2.0 convergence


-Widowmaker Q Change and Renaming Event

Naked-Man Moleskin:

It was an honor to lead this group of great men for my first time in about 6 months.

I was blessed to be healthy enough at my age to complete a Half Iron and come out of it unscathed!   I give credit to F3 for helping me be inspired to sign-up for the race and then for the physical and mental motivation and toughness to complete my training and the race!!

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