My chance to Q at Firehouse 2023 version

AO: Firehouse

When: 07/20/2023

QIC: Script Kiddie

PAX (5): Ace Ventura, Better Call Saul, Longshanks, Script Kiddie, Seaman


I had not Qed at Firehouse all this year, and with this being my last chance to Q in the Dawson subregion before I turn 53, I had to grab the Q and return to the AO that started my F3 journey, so I decided to pull out one of my first Q plans and share it with the HIM that decided to show up. Also along with a bit of shady events that kept everyone guessing who actually had the Q, I showed up to get in a pre-run with Ace, thank you sir.
The rest of the PAX started rolling in and we were ready to go right at 530


Moseyed to the normal spot to begin the warmup
Wind mill
Copperhead squats
Moroccan Night clubs
Time to start the Thang

The Thang:

Route 21
If you have been a part of my past BBs/BDs route 21 is one I have done several times and each time I add a bit more to make it more of a challenge/push us more, this time ended up causing us to only get to 18 with Burpees at the end but I will explain the events

Route 21
1-7 Merkin, 1-7 BBSU, 1-7 Squats
Lunge to the next light post increasing the # of exercises 1-7
After the 7 of each, Lunge to next light post and do
10 Crab Humpers
8-14 Merkin, 8-14 BBSU, 8-14 Squats
Duck walk to the next lamp post 8-14
After the 14 of each, Duck walk to next light post and do
10 Jump squats
At this point time was running short so we modified to run between light posts to speed up the process so we manage to get 15-18 of each done
At that point it was time to mosey back to the flag
But….. Burpees!
Before we got to the flag we had one more stop to do, if it is a Route 21 lead by YHC, you have to celebrate the completion of the Route by doing 1o Burpees.
Now on to the flag to get to the COT


Prayers for travel and health for families with premature babies.

My BDay BD Saturday at Starting Line
Better call Saul will be traveling so Seaman stepped up to take the flag while he was out

Subregion Q role has been handed off from Ace to me so I am now the subregion Q for the Dawson region, I am looking forward to helping us all grow this awesome subregion

Acceleration Point
Do not focus on the destination but enjoy the journey, celebrate the wins when they come but that cannot be the focus, and as you enjoy the journey you will find you are maturing/changing more then you know/realize

Pray and Coffeeteria

Naked-Man Moleskin:

It was great to be back at Firehouse and be given the chance to lead, we are all in a journey and I am thankful to have the men of F3 being a part of what is going on in my journey.  We are all freed to lead and are all growing/learning/maturing along the way.

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