Sights/Sounds of THE REAL WOODY

AO: Nirvana

When: 07/22/2023

QIC: No-See-Um

PAX (6): Dosido, Lefty, Shortcake, Special K, The Real Woody


Been awhile since YHC’s been to Nirvana. Seemed fitting to grab the Q and hit up the Pre-Ruck as well. Thankfully, 5 total showed for the Pre-Ruck and 6 total for the main BD.


Stu rucked for both as he’s getting ready for another Rim-to-Rim!!


Mosey to side of MHS for some various warm-ups followed by two sets of Morning Call minus the Merkins.

The Thang:


7’s: Copperhead Squats & Copperhead Merkins
Hill by stadium:
Bear Crawl Indian Run UP & Crawl Bear Indian Run DOWN w/ 10 reps each of the following at top and bottom -> Bobby Hurleys/Shoulder Taps/Side Penguins
2 total rounds
Tabata work on the track (I would say this is where The Real Woody started making some seriously concerning noises…but that would be incorrect.)
30 seconds of work (AMRAP) / 30 seconds rest (10 total minutes)
  • Mtn Climbers
  • Burpees
  • American Hammers
  • Donkey Kicks
  • SSH
  • Mtn Climbers
  • Burpees
  • American Hammers
  • Donkey Kicks
  • SSH
Dora at the Stadium
Mary at the flag.



  • Larry – prayers for Shortcake’s friend.
  • Penny – continued prayers for her healing (Sprocket’s niece)
  • Goose – continued prayers for this #HIM
  • Thrasher – Prayers for Dosido’s friend who has been to F3. (Sarcoma and Leukemia)

Naked-Man Moleskin:

A fun morning at Nirvana as there was a good crew out for both the PR and the BD. Solid showing at Coffeeteria as well.


Honored to lead.

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