First Shall Be Last

AO: Meathouse

When: 07/25/2023

QIC: Potter (Matt Rowand)

PAX (13): Angus, BallBoy, Boomer, Fuzzy Dice, Hackeysack, Half-Dozen, HIPAA, Homer (Andy Darnell), McCracken, Pigtails, PuffDaddy, Spackle


YHC tried to tie this BD into a life lesson and something profound with “The First Shall Be Last, the Last Shall Be First” passage from Matthew 20 (you know I always need a theme), but somehow this one was just a lesson in pain…and grinding it out.  How ironic that @HIPAA plugged the BD the day before with a “@Potter brings some joy to every BD” (appreciate the shout out, brother!), because I failed to carve any joy into this one…see below.

As always, the Meathouse AO is weigh vest/ruck and coupon.  Let’s go!


12 each of SSH, Imperial Walkers, Windmill, Weed Picker, Air Press….and we’re off.

We tried to talk @Homer into staying with us, but he is in recovery/ramp mode and graced us with his presence and then set off for a solo ruck.

The Thang:

First Set:

EMOM for 14 minutes

Even minutes: 12 Coupon Presses, 6 Coupon Chops (3/side)

Odd Minutes: Walking Merkins w/ Coupon


Second Set (this is where it really kicked in and started to count): first we paired off with the PAX next to us, then completed the remainder of the workout in pairs.

AMRAP 15 minutes

5 Blockies, 10 Reverse Lunges, 15 Coupon Swings, 20 Goblet Squats

Each pair accumulated a point per PAX per round completed.

Twist: Each pair needed to move their coupons and a 50 lb sandbag around the PTCTC half oval while the others are racking up points, then the next pair.  While completing the twist, no points are being counted, so speed was the key.

After adding up the points, all PAX dropped their weight and went for a lap around the cinema.  The first team (@McCracken, @HIPAA) went last with each team leaving at 10 second intervals…the first shall be last.

And time!


Prayer requests:

Date nights and time with M’s and praise for good trips with fams.  Prayers for @Doughboy and family.


Convergence: 8/5

Ready Mix Quad: weekend of 8/11

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Proud of all these HIMs and can’t say enough about F3.  Blessed to be a part of this group and AO.

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