NOT Hot yoga

AO: Gladiator

When: 07/25/2023

QIC: Other

PAX (17): Chanel, Cheneral, Darkside, defcon2, Delicious, DREAMER, Macbeth, Mater, Scar, Spandex, Tar Heel, WhiteWater, Zohan, Huey, Butterknife; Veggie;


Time for the monthly Brownie Q and after arriving he was informed of a vicious rumor that some members of the PAX would be attending in expectation of a relaxing hot yoga session. Good thing I’m not on slack, otherwise I would’ve had to adjust my plan…yeah right…


Short mosey from the parking lot to the cheese grater lot in the back for some warmup exercises:

  • 15 SSHs
  • 10 Windmills
  • 12 Air presses
  • Michael Phelps
  • World’s Greatest Stretch

The Thang:

Mosey over to the “Beach” and PAX was instructed to line up in a single file line along the sidewalk with our backs to the pull up bars. In pairs, the outside guys head to the pullup bars to do 10 reps of real pullups or 20 modified pullups while the PAX in the line must do 5 burpees. Rinse and repeat as each pair gets their turn. If the pullupers finish before any member of the PAX complete their burpees, the entire group must make a lap around the parking lot. Once we completed round 1, we repeated with 6/12 pullups and 3 burpees, and finally 3/6 pullups with 1 burpee and 1 squat.

Mosey towards the soccer field with 3 alpha count Bonnie Blairs along the way at each speed bump. Once all PAX arrived at the field, we lined up along the brick wall for our next round. 25 derkins and 25 dips on the wall before bear crawling to mid-field for 20 Mahktar Ndiayes, mosey back across the field for a set of 15, then 10, 5, and finished. Air squats for the 6. Indian run around the field until everyone had a chance to get a turn.

Final round began after PAX lined up on the curb for another drop set beginning with 25 Tysons and 25 squatty potties, broad jump to the other side of the road for 20 reps, back for 15, 10, 5 and done. Most of the PAX finished up by the time the clock struck 6:00.

Up the hill to get back to the flag


A few members of the group expressed some disappointment that the hot yoga never began, but I assured them that that was only offered at this location on Wednesday AMs.

  • Job searches for some
  • Dreamer’s family on the December arrival of another daughter
  • Spandex’s sister and her marriage

Check the slack thing for plenty of info about upcoming events in the region.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Appreciate the opportunity to lead on a hot GA AM, even if it didn’t qualify as yoga.

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