Arms up

AO: Galaxy

When: 07/25/2023

QIC: Fenway

PAX (14): chelsea, Drain Hole, Fenway, Fondue Guy, Jorts, Louganis, McLovin (Amir Oren), Mitt, Wideright, Yearn, Harvard, Deep Blue, P Trap, Wildcat


  • Side straddle hops
  • Weed pickers
  • Toy soldiers
  • Moroccan night clubs

The Thang:

Start with 4 corners with coupons, stacking the exercises below:

  • 10 American hammers
  • 20 overhead press
  • 30 curls
  • 40 squats

Continue with Jack Moses circle, incrementing 1 merkin and 4 skull claps for each PAX.

  • We reached 14 merkins and 56 skull claps!

Finish with some arm stretches before COT.

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