No Yoga Mats Required

AO: Boneyard

When: 07/28/2023

QIC: Boomer

PAX (8): Boomer, Chanel, Darkside, FannyPack, Half-Dozen, Pigtails, Scrooge, Zohan


Yoga mats and light stretching were teased, but we managed to avoid most of that for this beatdown. The plan was to get moving and try to get some miles in while also getting some reps.


Fun Run Warm Up. Mosey around the lacrosse field and sprint from mid-field to the end. SSH at first corner. Mosey around, sprint, and weedpickers. Mosey, sprint, and windmill. Mosey, sprint, and imperial walker. Mosey, sprint, and Moroccan night club.

The Thang:

Partner up for a catch me if you can. 2 laps around and then stop. DORA was next. 100 lunges, 200 seal jacks, 300 LBCs. Partner ran across field doing 5 merkins each time crossing midfield.

Next up was a Snake Indian Run. Pax spread out and last man weaves in and out until he reaches the front. After several trips around, we circled up in the middle. Burpee merkin ladder. 1 burpee with 1 merkin. 1 burpee w 2 merkins. Up to 1 burpee with 10 merkins. Then back down the ladder. 5 minutes left for Mary. Done.


Great weekend warmup. Thanks for following.

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