The Hills are alive for leg day!

AO: Galaxy

When: 07/28/2023

QIC: Wideright

PAX (21): Drain Hole, Fenway, Fondue Guy, Hitch, Jorts, KickSix, LiMu, McLovin (Amir Oren), Mitt, Percy, Skol, Sparky, Sticks, Wideright, Yearn, Bobsled, P-Trap, Bolt, Snooze, FTX and Luganis


disclaimer and warm up – IC 10x Hillbillies, SSH’s, Moroccan night clubs, bear hugs and plank

partner up and mosey to coupons (Lifting) and upper parking lot

The Thang:

Pax 1 – Bernie Sanders , bobby hurley and run back SWAP

Pax 2 – Curls, cumulative count for 500x

mary for 6

25 Dips on your own at the picnic tables and head to the hills

Pax 1 Bernie sanders up the hill and run down

Pax 2 Burpees, cumulative count 100x

Mary for 6

“Thunder Struck” burpee time…..

Mosey to upper lot

Pax 1 Overheads while pax 2 runs bobby hurley and back, swap cumulative 200x

mosey to flag for time!


Composts family and loss of  his mom

Steamer traveling and spending time with his mom

STRONG numbers – 2 FNG’s this week and 21 today 🙂

Alan and Scott – healing and comfort

God’s wisdom and everlasting love for us all!


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