Komrad’s Crucible

AO: Starting Line

When: 07/29/2023

QIC: Komrad

PAX (10): CATFISH, DDoS, Honk, Janeway, Komrad, LifeLock VPN, Lightweight, Rocket, Script Kiddie, Zuckerburg/Snorlax


Komrad, heading back to Riverside Military Academy tomorrow as Batallion Commander, also has a Raider National Championship to defend this November.  One of the preliminary Raider meets will be at Dawson High School (Sept 23), and Komrad decided to give the PAX an introductory taste of Raider life for this morning’s BD.


Dynamic stretching at the base of The Stairs followed by a 1 mile jogging ruck to the Dawson High School Raider course.  Janeway took a speedy shuttlecraft to the Raider course, rather than rucking, in order to run the Raider course with limbs in hand to clear out the spiders, spiderwebs and some thorns before the PAX arrived.

The Thang:

And through the Raider course we went, unfortunately skipping the elevated bars due to last night’s rain which made the metal bars too wet to grip, and omitting (as planned) the 10′ elevated roof-top walking beams, vertical tire and rope bridge:

  • People’s Chair with ruck thrust @ the 10′ wall or surrounding trees
  • Squats w/ rucks on followed by climbing over the series of Wood Vaults with rucks on
  • Burpees w/o rucks followed by Army Crawl w/ ruck pull under the ropes
  • Calf Raises w/ ruck thrust followed by Tire Run w/ rucks on
  • Incline/Decline Merkins w/ rucks on followed by Balance beam w/ rucks on
  • Army Crawl (or Back Slide for some) through the Pipe

Rinse and repeat… then 1 mile mosey ruck back to The Pavilion.


Script Kiddie shared how the past is the past, but we learn from the past, building upon both failures and successess to better ourselves.

Prayers for many who are entering new seasons back to school either as students or parents

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Everyone got a little sweaty & dirty and Lightweight unfortunately needs to scrub his ruck, which is just a post-BD bonus arm workout.  Aye!

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